GENERAL COUNCIL F.I.C. - Prins Bisschopsingel 22, 6211 JX Maastricht, The Netherlands  Phone: *31 (0) 43 3508373
Saturday, July 27 2024  - 1 User Online  


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"We consecrate ourselves to be witnesses of God's love"

The Congregation of the Brothers FIC is an international community of about 300 religious brothers, who live and work in six countries: Chile, Ghana, Indonesia, Timor Leste, Malawi and The Netherlands.

24.07.2024 16:57:26
photoMARY, OUR PATRONESS AND EXAMPLE OF MY WAY OF LIFE (Bro. Daniel Moses kanyada) Since childhood, I have been attending several devotions of Mary but blindly. Once, I dedicated time to ponder the life of the Blessed Virgin Mary, and this experience greatly enriched me both spiritually and morally. When I reflect on the life of Mother Mary, I realize that I miss a lot. I realize that my everyday life can change others in their way of living if ....
18.07.2024 14:13:59
photo Lahir Kembali di Malawi. (by Bro. Michael Sidarta) Pada hari Kamis, 18 Juli 2024 Br. Robertus Kuncoro Budi Santoso akan berangkat ke Malawi untuk menjadi misionaris di Provinsi Malawi. Petang hari sebelumnya, Rabu, 17 Juli 2024 para bruder di Semarang mengadakan doa pengutusan untuk mendukung misi Br. Kuncoro. Bacaan Injil yang dipilih untuk doa pengutusan tersebut adalah percakapan Yesus dengan Nikodemus dari Injil Yohanes 3:1-21. Yang khas pada kisah itu adalah tema kelahiran kembali dari air dan ....
18.07.2024 13:30:40
photoTRIBUTE TO THE LATE BRO. MAARTEN BOUW, FIC, by Bro. Methodius Kuusoru “…I laid the foundation, …Let each one take care how he builds upon it. [1Cor3:10]   On the morning of Wednesday, July 10, 2024 as early as 7.30 a.m. I was returning to my room, after morning prayers and breakfast, full of energy and enthusiasm to begin the day. Before reaching the door to my room the Brother who lives next door called out to me from his room and said, ....
15.07.2024 16:51:50
photoFROM THE EDITOR.   This time, we offer readers ideas on the theme of the Brothers FIC Magazine: “Renewal of our consecrated life and mission in the spirit of synodality.” This is also the theme of the Brothers FIC General Chapter of 2024. The renewal of religious life includes the constant return to the sources of all Christian life, to the original spirit of the Congregation and adaptation to the changed conditions of our time. Renewal of our consecrated life and mission ....
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12.07.2024 16:16:18
photo Dear Brothers,   It is our sad duty to inform you about the passing away of Bro. Maarten Bouw, who died on July 10, 2024. The mourning card reads as follows: " Congregation of the Brothers of the Immaculate Conception of Mary         'The gentle forces will surely win in the end, this I hear as a heartfelt whisper within me' After a life of faithful dedication and service, we have had to say goodbye with sadness to our dear family member ....
12.07.2024 02:07:34
photo Congregatie van de Broeders van de Onbevlekte Ontvangenis van Maria. De zachte krachten zullen zeker winnen in ’t eind, dit hoor ik als een innig fluisteren in mij. Na een leven van trouwe inzet en dienstbaarheid hebben we met droefheid afscheid moeten nemen van ons dierbare familielid en trouwe medebroeder Broeder Maarten Bouw Martinus Maria Maarten werd geboren op 21 oktober 1932 in Gemert. Door het afleggen van zijn geloften verbond hij zich als broeder Maarten aan ....
12.07.2024 01:28:44
photoDear Brothers of the Religious House The Netherlands,   WORDS OF CONDOLENCE ON THE DEATH OF BRO. MAARTEN BOUW.  We received the unfortunate news of the passing of our Brother Maarten Bouw. Despite our prayers for his recovery during his illness, God has chosen to grant him eternal peace. We are grateful to God for the gifts of his life and the brotherhood we share for many years. As recorded in article 11 of our constitutions, not only are we going to keep alive the memory ....
11.07.2024 01:15:23
photoAs Useful as Possible On July 2, 1984, I made my first vows with seven other fellow brothers. At that time, the ceremony was simple; it was only held in the community and did not invite family. The event did not give a profound impression. This was the end of the candidate's formation and the beginning of life as an FIC brother. After completing my first degree and serving in several schools, I took my eternal vows with five other brothers ....

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