GENERAL COUNCIL F.I.C. - Prins Bisschopsingel 22, 6211 JX Maastricht, The Netherlands  Phone: *31 (0) 43 3508373
Wednesday, February 12 2025  - 1 User Online  


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"We consecrate ourselves to be witnesses of God's love"

The Congregation of the Brothers FIC is an international community of about 300 religious brothers, who live and work in six countries: Chile, Ghana, Indonesia, Timor Leste, Malawi and The Netherlands.

11.02.2025 08:25:44
photoA Symphony of Voices: The Dance of the General Chapter FIC 2024 (Bro. Eustachius Robert Eko Wijayanto - Chile) The recent experience at the General Chapter of the Brothers of the Immaculate Conception in Wa-Ghana has been significant and revealing. Throughout this gathering, vital issues for the community were explored, fostering a renewed sense of unity and purpose. Despite the challenges, participants found opportunities for personal and collective growth, highlighting the importance of collaboration and active listening. This Chapter has not ....
04.02.2025 13:35:47
photoI AM CALLED TO FAITHFULLY SERVE PEOPLE My Family Background I was born into a simple Catholic family; my parents were small farmers in a village in Samigaluh, Kulon Progo, Yogyakarta. I am the first of two children. As a child, I experienced happiness with my family and relatives. Like other children in the village, I lived an ordinary life, herding goats, collecting firewood, and occasionally playing in the river to catch fish. The religious life in my family was very good; my parents are role ....
30.01.2025 08:26:37
photo Dear Brothers,  It is our sad duty to inform you about the passing away of Br. Yosapat Suko Suwito on January 28, 2025 in Indonesia. BROTHER YOSAPAT SUKO SUWITO  FIC It is not easy to let go of our beloved brother, Br. Yosapat Suko Suwito, FIC. However, his loyalty and sincerity to dedicate his entire life to God and others as a Brother FIC, which he has shown so far, gives us the strength to sincerely let him go to the Father's house ....
23.01.2025 08:01:57
photoIt is our sad duty to inform you about the passing away of Br. Agustinus Sakiman, who died on January 21, 2025 in Indonesia. BROTHER AGUSTINUS SAKIMAN  FIC  Bro. Agustinus Sakiman was born on May 15, 1963 in Klaten, Central Java, Indonesia. He comes from St. Virgin Mary of the Assumption Parish, Dalem, Gantiwarno, Klaten. Bro. Agus, as he was called, was the youngest of five children, the son of Mr. Sutiran and Mrs. Mujirah. Since childhood Bro. Agus has shown loyalty ....
21.01.2025 08:17:25
photoI Live by Compassion Bro. Michael Sidarta Susilo Whenever I reflect deeply on my life journey, I conclude that my life has become a reality because of the help of so many people. I realized that I had received more help from people than I had done good work for others. I was born into a simple family with poor economic conditions. My parents were not ready to form a family, so we repeatedly experienced poverty and financial difficulties. I experienced such ....
20.01.2025 13:20:26
photoGod is love; he makes all things possible I still remember my feeling about searching for General Council (GC) members at the General Chapter 2000 in Wa-Ghana. The delegation from Indonesia faced the challenging task of selecting a suitable candidate. My name was initially proposed. However, at the time, I felt too young and in need of broader, deeper knowledge about the Congregation. I also recognized the importance of gaining experience living in an international community. I was still in the process of growing and developing ....
20.11.2024 15:33:24
photoS P E C I A L B I R T H D A Y S November 2024:   7          Frans School (80) – Maastricht-Emmaus 10        Noud Fonken (90) – Maastricht-Bernardus 13        Nico Brunott (95) – Maastricht-Bernardus 21        Remy Nyukorong (60) –Maastricht-Emmaus   December 2024:   2          Marcelo Sandoval Muñoz (60) – Talca-San Luis 3          Gé van Vugt  (85) – Talca- San Antonio 11        Redemptus Lastiya (85) –  Boro 24        Berchmans Nyotoharjo (85) – Semarang-Wisma Bernardus 26        Peter Agboso (65) – Accra       January 2025:   7          Lo Koeleman (85) – Maastricht- Prins Bisschopsingel  17        Antonius Hardianto (50) – Bekasi-Delta Mas 25        Yohanes Wiryasumarta (85) – Semarang-Dr.Sutomo    
18.11.2024 02:33:56
photoFUNERAL MASS FOR LATE BR. WIM LUITEN AND DICK VAN DER GEEST IN GHANA PROVINCE OF THE FIC ON SATURDAY 16TH NOVEMBER, 2024  AT THE PROVINCIAL HOUSE, WA The Provincial Council of Ghana organized a Memorial Mass for Br. Wim Luiten and Mr. Dick van der Geest who both lived and worked in Ghana for the people of God until the repatriation of Br. Wim to his home province in 2002 and the unexpected passing of Mr. Dick van der Geest ....

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