GENERAL COUNCIL F.I.C. - Prins Bisschopsingel 22, 6211 JX Maastricht, The Netherlands  Phone: *31 (0) 43 3508373
Wednesday, March 26 2025  - 1 User Online  

Becoming a brother

We are a community of lay-religious men, who dedicate our lives to the Gospel of Jesus Christ. He continues to teach us to be children of God and brothers to all people. Since the foundation of our congregation in 1840 we have had a special interest in the education and formation of young people, especially in poor areas.

We experience this life choice to be both demanding and gratifying. Because of this deep experience we continue to attract young men to join our community.

Every candidate brings in his own experiences, gifts and talents. However, it takes some time for a young man to determine if his choice for the Brothers FIC really is his life choice. Likewise, it takes some time for the congregation to determine if a candidate can be accepted as a brother. For it is in the interest of the candidate and the congregation that every individual brother can live a happy and fruitful life.

That is why every candidate must go through a phase of formation.

 Content of the formation

Every candidate and young brother receives a theoretical and a practical introduction to our life and spirituality. The formation program clarifies how we can grow as human beings, as Christians and as brothers. The program is particularly aimed at the following:

-     enriching the development of the candidate as a person;

-     reflecting on essential questions concerning their future and their vocation;

-     introducing them to the ideals and spirit of the founders of our congregation;

-    creating an opportunity to both the congregation and the candidate to make a well-considered decisions.

Stages of the formation

1. Postulancy - Whoever feels a vocation to share the life of the brothers FIC can apply for the postulancy by contacting the formation-master or the provincial superior in his area. You find all the addresses at the bottom of this page. After a number of assessments you go through a preparatory period, called the postulancy. This period normally lasts about one year and gives both the candidate and the congregation the opportunity to get to know each other.

2. Noviciate - After this period, provided the candidate is admitted, the noviciate begins. This marks the start of the life in the congregation and normally takes two years.

3. Temporary profession - After the noviciate the candidate can bind himself by his temporary vows. He does so with the intention of binding himself for life in the future. However, it is a good thing to bind oneself only temporarily in the beginning.

In this period, which normally lasts six years, the young brother can develop his vocation and grow into the daily life of the congregation and its apostolate. The formation continues by integrating the three main dimensions of the life as a brother: to pray, work and live in a community. This period is officially concluded with the final profession.


If you are interested in the details of our formation programs, you can contact the following persons:

1. Ghana

Bro. Alpitio Kog

Director Canonical Noviciate

Address: PO Box 145 ER., TAMALE (N.R.) Ghana

Phone: *233 (0) 37 2091079

E-mail: [email protected]

2. Indonesia

Bro. Albertus Hariyadi

Leader Postulate

Address: Jln. Kartini 9 B, Muntilan 56411 – Indonesia

Phone: *62 (0) 293 587592

E-mail: [email protected]

3. The Netherlands

Bro. Wim Luiten

Address: Prins Bischopsingel 22, 6211 JX Maastricht, The Netherlands

Phone: *31 (0) 43 3508373

E-mail: [email protected]

4. Malawi

Bro. Thomas Chikoti

Address: P.O. Box 5401, Limbe-Malawi

Phone: *265 (0) 1916340

E-mail: [email protected]

5. Chile

Bro, Eustachius Ekowijayanto

Address: Casilla 647, Talca-Chile (Postal)

Residence: 11 ½ Sur – 23 Oriente No. 3711, Villa San Antonio – Talca

Phone: *56 (0) 71 2244200

E-mail: [email protected]; [email protected]


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