GENERAL COUNCIL F.I.C. - Prins Bisschopsingel 22, 6211 JX Maastricht, The Netherlands  Phone: *31 (0) 43 3508373
Wednesday, October 16 2024  - 1 User Online  


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"We consecrate ourselves to be witnesses of God's love"

The Congregation of the Brothers FIC is an international community of about 300 religious brothers, who live and work in six countries: Chile, Ghana, Indonesia, Timor Leste, Malawi and The Netherlands.

11.10.2024 15:36:50
photoReport the fourth day of Provincial Chapter 2024.  On the last day of the Provincial Chapter we began with morning prayer led by  Bro. Eustachius Ekowijayanto. In the morning session, the moderator invited the provincial chapter participants to make the final review of the proposals and then vote them.  We discussed them seriously and we were happy with the final versión of the proposals. After the coffee break we continued with the review of the Chapter Message. ....
11.10.2024 15:25:43
photoReport the 3rd day Chile Provincial Chapter -2024  This morning we had breakfast together at 08.30 AM. And then at 09:30, we began the session with a prayer. Bro. Patricio led this prayer with the theme “Sustained by God”. Then in the morning session we entered the ninth block.  In this sesión our moderator asked us to discuss the proposals we had. We need time to review, to make some correction in order to make more understandable and clearer.
10.10.2024 01:43:53
photoDay 2 of the Provincial Chapter of Chile. (By: Bro. Yohanes Krismanto) On the second day of the session, Oct. 8, 2024, we began together with an opening prayer. Brother Gé van Vugh led the prayer with a theme of thanksgiving. After the prayer, Mrs. Sandra, our moderator, invited us to listen to the group’s conclusions regarding care policies for elderly and/or sick brothers. Everything was very fluid and dialogued.  After the break, we were ....
09.10.2024 13:54:11
photoThe provincial council of Chile begins on Oct. 6, 2024. (day one) By: Bro. Yohanes Krismanto We had four blocks on the first day of the third sesión of the Chile Provincial Chapter. To begin the chapter session, we heard a motivating message from the Provincial Superior (Bro. Lucio Torres), and then we entered the first and second blocks. We started with a special prayer. Then, the moderator invited us to deepen the message of the General Council (Circular Letter from Superior ....
07.10.2024 15:34:59
photoPope Francis leads Rosary prayer for peace for ‘world in danger’ Pope Francis leads the recitation of a Rosary for peace at the Basilica of St. Mary Major, and prays that violence and hatred may be extinguished from human hearts. By Devin Watkins “Transform the hearts of those who fuel hatred, silence the din of weapons that generate death, extinguish the violence that brews in the heart of humanity, and inspire projects for peace in the actions of those who govern nations.” Pope Francis ....
04.10.2024 14:01:37
photoDay Three  The third day of the Indonesian Provincial Chapter began with a Eucharistic celebration. On this third day, the brothers asked God's grace for the entire chapter process. The agenda of the third day was to discuss proposals of spirituality and community life, and proposal of apostolate. The morning session until the tea break was used to discuss the proposals of spirituality and community life. Then after coffee break we discussed proposals of apostolate until the evening.
03.10.2024 14:27:37
photoSecond Day Report of the Third Session of Provincial Chapter. The second day of the third session of the Indonesia Provincial Chapter began with a morning prayer together. Today, the Church celebrates the feast of the guardian angels. The agenda for the second day included the presentation of the fruits of the General Chapter 2024 in Ghana, discussions on proposals, and sharing by the members of the Indonesian Provincial Council for the 2018-2024 period. In the morning session, Br. F.A. Dwiyatno, Br. ....
03.10.2024 14:21:23
photoProvincial Chapter of Indonesia Third Session. On Tuesday, October 1, 2024, the brothers of the Indonesia Province started the third session of the Provincial Chapter. The chapter was held at the Roncalli Retreat House in Salatiga. The meeting began in the afternoon with a Eucharist led by Fr. Ignatius Budiono OCarm. That day the Church celebrated the feast of Therese of Avila. Father Ignatius Budiono OCarm invited the brothers to emulate the virtue of Saint Therese, which is to be small before ....

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