23.01.2025 08:01:57 240x read. INDONESIA Decease of dear late Bro. Agustinus Sakiman FIC It is our sad duty to inform you about the passing away of Br. Agustinus Sakiman, who died on January 21, 2025 in Indonesia. BROTHER AGUSTINUS SAKIMAN FIC
Bro. Agustinus Sakiman was born on May 15, 1963 in Klaten, Central Java, Indonesia. He comes from St. Virgin Mary of the Assumption Parish, Dalem, Gantiwarno, Klaten. Bro. Agus, as he was called, was the youngest of five children, the son of Mr. Sutiran and Mrs. Mujirah. Since childhood Bro. Agus has shown loyalty to God and a spirit of service.
Bro. Agustinus entered the FIC Postulate in 1986, the Novitiate on July 1, 1987, and made his Temporary Profession on July 2, 1989. The Perpetual Profession was pronounced on July 2, 1995.
![]() The community and apostolate of Bro. Agustinus Sakiman in the FIC Congregation as follows:
1990 - 1990: Ambarawa – Dormitory Treasurer.
1990 - 1995: Belitang – Teacher and Chief of Dormitory.
1995 - 1996: Sedayu – Studying.
1996 - 1999: Yogyakarta – Studying.
1999 - 2000: Sedayu – Studying and Teacher at Government School.
2000 - 2002: Belitang – Teacher at Agriculture Vocational School.
2002 - 2009: Belitang – Headmaster of Agriculture Vocational School and Xaverius Senior High School, Coordinator of Xaverius Fundation at Belitang, dan Chief Dormitory.
2009 - 2014: Boro – Headmaster of SMP Pangudi Luhur Boro.
2014 - 2017: Sedayu – Pastoral Work and Housekeeping.
2017 - 2020: Salatiga – Gardening.
2020 - 2022: Yogyakarta – Health Recovery and Housekeeping.
Mulai 2022 : Klaten – Gardening and Housekeeping.
Br. Agustinus was known as a humble, loving, and faithful servant. In his relationships with fellow brothers, he always tries to be friendly and bring joy.
Requiem Mass for Bro. Agustinus will be held in the Chapel of PL Van Lith Muntilan High School on Wednesday, January 22, 2025 at 10.00 am. Bro. Agustinus will be buried at the FIC Brothers Cemetery in the FIC Novitiate Complex in Muntilan.
May the testimony of faith and the good example of Bro. Agustinus motivate us all to pursue our vocation. Our prayers for Bro. Agustinus Sakiman will lead him to eternal happiness in heaven.
May Br. Agustinus rest in perfect peace. ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------- General Council FIC (Bro. Paul Sabogu) Prins Bisschopsingel 22, 6211 JX Maastricht, The Netherlands |