GENERAL COUNCIL F.I.C. - Prins Bisschopsingel 22, 6211 JX Maastricht, The Netherlands  Phone: *31 (0) 43 3508373
Tuesday, October 22 2024  - 1 User Online  

Spirit of our Founders

In the Spirit of our Founders

Our Founders were committed people, filled with the Spirit of Jesus. They were seized by his person and his message. They sensed a vocation and a mission to spread his Good News. Living according to the spirit of our Founders means that we try to follow their example, in our time and in our circumstances, and that we protect their heritage.

Our Founders were inspired by the life and charitable works of Saint Vincent de Paul. They urged the brothers to follow his example. Living in the spirit of Saint Vincent implies for us:

* that we are aware that the goal of our apostolate is the greater glory of God and the growth of His Kingdom (see “Projet” by Mgr. Rutten);

* that we have an open eye for both spiritual and material needs;

* that we listen carefully and humbly to the needs of others: ”the poor are our masters”;

* that we empower others in overcoming their needs by offering formation and helping in self-organization;

* that we try to live the Vincentian virtues as reformulated by our co-founder: humility, good example, love for your brothers, godliness, prudence, gentleness, steadfastness, wisdom and knowledge, zeal and trust.


Protecting their heritage

Protecting the heritage of our Founders implies for us:

* that we feel an intense concern for spiritual and religious needs; a great concern too for a contemporary and culturally integrated transfer of faith;

* that we see as our principal apostolic tradition: education, formation and teaching;

* that - in various circumstances - we, again and again, show a special concern for the poor and the needy;

* that we keep an open eye to sound developments;

* that we attach great value to fraternal community life: we call one another brothers and intend to live up to this word in our everyday life;

* that we have a special veneration towards Mary. 2)

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