24.06.2014 18:47:55 2980x read.
1. Opening Song
United in one body with Jesus Christ the Lord
We bring to you our offering of bread and wine, O God
a. We are the wheat of Christ:
If we be ground in the mill of life, may we be found pure bread.
b. We are the grape of Christ:
If we be crushed in the wine-press of suffering, may we be found pure wine.
c. We are the Body of Christ:
We must expect a share in His sorrow, if we must rise with Him.
2. Opening Prayer
You have blessed us, o God,
With companions for the journey,
Communities that nourish and challenge us,
That help us hear your word
In new ways and act on it.
Fill us with the joy of friendship.
Where two or three gather in your name,
Be with us, we plead. Amen.
3. First Reading: Reading from our Constitutions FIC
Our Congregational unity is a unity in diversity. We pursue unity, but we respect the diversity which is within this unity. There are differences in national character, language and culture; differences in ecclesial, national, or local situations; differences in apostolic possibilities and desire abilities; as well as differences in characters, personal talents, and experiences. We are one Congregation but we do not bind one another to rigid uniformity. Persons, communities, and provinces differ from each other. Provided this diversity is put into practice in the right way, it has a deepening and enriching effect.
Diversity need not harm our unity. In all diversity we can continue to form a strong community and remain recognizable as brothers of one another, as members of one and the same Congregation.
4. Song: The Love of Christ
Where love and charity abide, there God is found.
a. The love of Christ has gathered us together,
And in this love we find the source of all our gladness.
b. Since we are one in body, you now live with us;
O, grant that in our lives we may be one in serving you.
c. United here with all the children of the Lord,
We seek to see the glorious light of Christ, the risen Lord.
5. Second Reading: Acts 4:31" 35
6. Reflection:
Think about your idea of an ideal community.
a. What contribution could you make to community life?
b. What could you give to the society through our community?
c. What would you need from your community?
d. Where do you encounter community in your own life?
e. What are the obstacles to community in you? Surround you?
To live in community is not a matter of choice but of calling. Christianity demands, but its calling, the formation of community. Christianity cannot be though of except in terms of relationships with other persons, brothers and sisters in whom we make real comradely love that we preach.
The basis for community was not an ideal to be achieved, but the recognition of a reality already accomplished by Christ-the fact that all, whether clever or dull, fit or infirm, beautiful or plain, were "members" one of another "Jesus came to announce the in breaking of the New Creation in a sinful world. He called us to live and act like brothers and sisters and to work together to make that promise come true in the concrete situations of our daily lives. Our communities blossomed from that joint effort.
7. Bidding Prayers:
8. Closing Prayer
Search me, O God, and know my heart;
Test me and know my thoughts.
See if there is any wicked way in me,
And lead me in the way everlasting.
You are Community, O God.
You have called us to community.
Help us to re4cognize the communities in our lives.
Help us to build communities in our society.
Glory to you, Source of All Being.
Eternal word and Holy spirit,
As it was in the beginning, is now and will be forever. Amen.
9. Closing Song: How Good It Is To Know Your Name
How good it is to know your name
You came to claim us long ago
We are the people that you know
How good it is know your name
How good it is to sing to you
You are the God who heals our wrong
You are the home where we belong
How good it is to sing to you
How good it is to find you near
We are the seed-you make us grow
You are the leaven, we the dough
How good it is to find you near.