24.06.2014 04:31:12 2676x read. PRAYER Our poverty is loving solidarity, sharing and charity.
V: Lord, open our lips. R: And we shall praise your name. Glory be ...
Whatsoever you do to the least of my brothers, that you do unto me. When I was hungry you gave me to eat When I was thirsty you gave me to drink. Now enter into the home of my Father
1. Pray with our Constitution
91. Solidarity It is not our intention to live in extreme material poverty and destitution. But as an apostolic community and also in the use and the administration of our goods, we do wish to be orientated towards asolidarity with the poor and needy. In the spirit of Jesus Christ we wish to have an open mind for our fellow-men, to share with them, to have an eye for their needs and not to enrich ourselves at their expense.
92. Becoming free people Living in austerity and solidarity, as truly free people, we hope to grow and overcome the mere longing for earthly and transitory things. Through our willingness to detach ourselves from material wealth and using the things of this earth respectfully and joyfully, we help build a Christian world and testify to more lasting values.
2. Gospel from Luke 10,25-37: The good Samaritan
Then a teacher of the Lawcame and began putting Jesus to thetest. And he said, “Master, what shallI do to receive eternal life?” Jesusreplied, “What is written in the Scripture? How do you understand it?” The man answered, “It is written: You shall love the Lord your Godwith all your heart, with all yoursoul, with all your strength and withall your mind. And you shall loveyour neighbor as yourself.” Jesusreplied, “What a good answer! Dothis and you shall live.” The manwanted to justify his question, so heasked, “Who is my neighbor?” Jesus then said, “There was aman going down from Jerusalem toJericho, and he fell into the hands ofrobbers. They stripped him, beat himand went off, leaving him half-dead. It happened that a priest wasgoing along that road and saw theman, but passed by on the otherside. Likewise a Levite saw theman, and passed by on the otherside. But a Samaritan also wasgoing that way, and when he cameupon the man, he was moved withcompassion. He went over to him,and cleaned his wounds with oil andwine, and wrapped them in band-ages. Then he put him on his ownmount, and brought him to an inn,where he took care of him. The next day he had to set off;but he gave two silver coins to theinnkeeper, and said, ‘Take care ofhim, and whatever you spend onhim, I will repay when I return.’” Jesus then asked, “Which ofthese three, do you think, made himself neighbor to the man who fell intothe hands of robbers?” The teacherof the Law answered, “the one whohad mercy on him.” And Jesus said,“Then go and do the same.
3. Personal Reflection
Message of Francis´ Pope to the participants at the International Symposium organized by the Congregation for Institutes of Consecrated Life and Societies of Apostolic Life, the 8 March 2014
I send my cordial greetings to you and all the participants in the International Symposium on "The management of church property of the Institutes of Consecrated Life and Societies of Apostolic Life in the service of humanity and the mission of the Church."
Our time is characterized by changes and significant advances in many fields, with important consequences for the lives of men. However, despite having reduced poverty, the achievements have often helped to build an economy of exclusion and iniquity: "Today everything is within the game and the competitiveness of the fittest, where the strong eats the weak "(cf. Evangeliigaudium, 53). Facing the precarious conditions in which most of the men and women of our time living , and also against the spiritual and moral weaknesses of so many people , particularly young people, we are challenged as a Christian community. Institutes of Consecrated Life and Societies of Apostolic Life can and should be active players and to live and bear witness to the principle of gratuitousness and the logic of gift find their place in the economic activity subject. The founding charism of each institute is fully in this "logic" in the self - gift, as enshrined, you give your true contribution to economic, social and political development. Fidelity to the founding charism and subsequent spiritual heritage, with the aims of each Institute, remain the first criterion of evaluation of the administration, management and all the interventions made in the Institutes at any level: "The nature of charisma directs their energies, sustains their fidelity and directs the apostolic work of all to the single mission.” (VC, 45). Attention should be paid to the property of the Institutes are administered with caution and transparency , are protected and preserved , combining priority - spiritual charismatic economic dimension dimension and efficiency, which has its own humus in the administrative tradition of Institutes that does not tolerate waste and is attentive to the good use of resources. After the close of Vatican II , the Servant of God Paul VI called for " a new and authentic Christian mentality " and a " new style of church life ": " We note with vigilant attention as a period like ours, all absorbed in conquest , possession , enjoyment of economic goods , is noticed in public inside and outside the Church , desire, almost a need , to see the poverty of the Gospel and love her mainly recognize where the Gospel is preached, is represented " ( General Audience, June 24, 1970 ) . I underlined this need in the Message for Lent this year. Institutes of Consecrated Life and Societies of Apostolic Life has always been the prophetic voice and lively witness to the newness that is Christ, the conformation of the One who became poor to enrich us with his poverty. This poverty is loving solidarity, sharing and charity, and is expressed in sobriety, in the pursuit of justice and joy of the essential, to warn against idols materials that obscure the true sense of the life. No good theoretical poverty, but poverty is learned to touch the meat of the poor Christ, the humble, the poor, the sick, the children. Be still, for the Church and for the world, advanced care to all poor and all the miseries, material, moral and spiritual, as the overcoming of selfishness in the logic of the Gospel, which teaches us to trust Providence of God.
Reflecting How is our solidarity at a personal, community and congregational level? What can I/We do to help to overcome situations of injustice nowadays?
4. Prayers
Jesus, open our hearts to the daily solidarity between brothers as a sign of humanity as testimony of fraternity Lord strengthen our solidarity
Jesus, open our hands to the needs of those you send us to share what you have given us with love. Lord strengthen our solidarity
Jesus, teach us to cultivate in our souls and hearts simplicity, humility and joy of our vocation living among people. Lord strengthen our solidarity
Free to express your own intercession
5. Our Father....
6. Final song: |