05.07.2018 01:51:51 11290x read. PRAYER 2018 CHAPTER PRAYER FIC BROTHERS
God, our loving Father, you chose the FIC Congregation, as a means for the salvation of many. We cherish our personal call, to follow your Son Jesus Christ, in and through this community; give us compassionate hearts, to respond to the needs of our time, by following the example of our Founders, Msge. Louis Rutten and Bro. Bernard Hoecken.
Lord Jesus Christ, as Brothers we are called together and sent out, to continue your mission which we embrace as our own. We entrust the whole process of the 2018 Chapter to you. Inspire and direct all chapter members, in decision-making as this will affect our lives and the lives of those we serve. May we be attentive to the voice of your Spirit, in our search for meaningful and creative ways to respond to the signs of the times. Renew in us the joy of the Gospel, so that we might be credible witnesses of God’s love.
Come Holy Spirit! Inflame our hearts! Enliven our hope and open our minds to discern together the way forward in building the Kingdom of God. Empower us to hear your call to act justly, to love tenderly and to walk humbly with humanity and all creation. Send us the gifts of wisdom and understanding, to enable us to make decisions that will promote unity and genuine renewal in our Congregation.
Mother Mary, Patroness of our Congregation, intercede for us. Give us the grace to see your Son Jesus Christ as the centre of our life and mission, and may your gift of compassion and sensitive concern for human needs inspire our decisions.
Msgr. Louis Rutten and Bro. Bernard Hoecken, Pray for us! Amen. |