08.09.2017 14:22:49 1858x read. OASIS Report OASIS Encounter, September 6, 2017. Report OASIS Encounter, September 6, 2017.
We started the day with the customary morning prayer service led by Bro. Raphael Besigrinee with the theme: What should I do Lord? This theme was quoted from the beginning of the vocational experience of the Apostle Paul. (Acts 22:3-21). This question is also very important for us in terms of responding to our call, our communal living and even our mission. There was opportunity to say a prayer, an inspiring word or phrase after the scripture reading. I, myself was struck by the first Paragraph from the first reading, “To be a 'Brother' is also to be a mediator of the love of the Son, the Mediator par excellence, who 'loved' them to the end” (Jn 13:1). This morning prayer gave us a lot of inspiration at the start of the input on our community living, namely "Brotherly communion in the Spirit of our Founders".
We dedicated the whole morning to the topic: “Brotherly Communion in the Spirit of our Founders". Bro. Raphael Besigrinee by his capacity and talents, took us deeper into community living especially our practical daily experiences. He started the presentation by giving us the introduction from the document, “The Identity and Mission of the Religious Brother in the Church Communion.” He stressed very much that we have to show forth the beauty of fraternal community by our life and through the ways that actually lead to it.” That the Communion of the Holy Trinity is the model, source and goal of the communion of all Christians with Christ, and the life and mission of the Religious Brother is found within this communion.
He divided his presentation into two main parts namely: Building Our Fraternal Communion and Ways of Nourishing Our Fraternal Communion. In giving his input Bro. Raphael asked from time to time, somebody to read a statement or story or scenario, and also gave time for pair sharing and an opportunity to the brothers to make their comments or remarks. This resulted in an interesting discussion and reflection on the realities of our community living. Some sub topics which he brought forth include Quality Communication, Having a common vision and a common mission, The Healthy use of Material and Spiritual Goods of Community, Investing in Community, General concern for the personal happiness of fellow Brothers, Attending to Spiritual Needs, Improving Relationships, Celebrating Our Brotherhood, among others.
At the end of his presentation he gave a summary of the input as the conclusion: Brothers live fraternal life in their natural habitat of communion. Our communion is sustained through building of relationships, investing in community, having concern for spiritual and material needs of members and having a common vision and mission and through quality communication. We nourish our lives by building our unity through spiritual exercises, improving relationships, growing in brotherly love, celebrating our brotherhood and practicing reconciliation. For the afternoon activities, he invited us to first have a personal reflection followed by small group sharing and finally sharing in plenary. Some reflective questions were given out for that. Based on the personal and group reflection participants during the plenary session admitted they enriched one another through the exercise. In general we have to continue to strive toward the ideals brotherly communion. Each was encouraged to invest his talents and expertise in building true communion with fellow brothers. We became aware that despite some difficulties especially in dealing with difficult persons who live with us, we are still able to experience happiness in our living together. We concluded the day with an evening prayer led by Bro. Severious with the theme, “FIC Community Life.” Theodorus Suwariyanto |