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08.09.2017 03:16:56 1559x read.
Report OASIS Encounter on Monday, September 4, 2017.



The day was bright and pleasant but the air was cold. We started the day's activities with the usual morning meditation led by Sr. Claudia who acted as Moses. Moses was telling the story about his vocation. Sr. Claudia  invited us to follow Moses who was called by God to bring the Israelites out to the promised land. Moses and all the Israelites were asked to hurry out of the land of Egypt to the land that the Lord God had promised them. From this story, Sr. Claudia invited the participants to dare to leave everything behind in order  to follow God. We were asked to allow the Lord God rule and perfect the shortcomings of our lives. From the story of the burning bush, we are invited to listen to the voice of the Lord GOD. The Lord God chooses His servant not because he is great but because of His will. The cold morning atmosphere has now become warm because of the Divine Fire of Love present in our hearts. The warmth that we feel makes us more confident and believes in the power of divine love. Before Sr. Claudia concluded the meditation, she invited all to follow the healing prayer through some body movements and this was repeated several times to truly experience the healing through the Divine Fire or Divine Love.


During the morning session, Sr. Claudia invited us to reflect on the meaning of Christian Spirituality. The essence of Christian Spirituality is the spirituality of imperfection which is the strength in our experience when we dare to say YES to our way of life. The second session was coordinated by Br. Johan who invited the participants to free themselves in trust or surrender. He gave an illustration by using the story of a mountaineer. In the story he mentioned four elements, namely achievement, problems, promise and paradox. He said we humans often pursue achievements and so sometimes forget the limitations that exist in us. At the time of failure to achieve he is made aware of the limitations of self and that can lead to crisis. Therefore a different approach is needed, that is, an approach that does not rely on personal ability alone.


We were asked to be free in a number of ways, among others association with our physical situation and other psychological disturbances. Being free of these things is a form of "death" in our lives, a transition to a new situation. Why are we often afraid to be off the hook? Because in general we are afraid of "losing", we are afraid of the unknown, and we are afraid of experiencing pain.

Another interesting spiritual teaching that enlightened us was the idea of Messianic creativity. "Messianic Creativity," an invitation to pay attention to the heartbeat, by looking at Jesus' example in the work of salvation. This messianic creativity opens us to the entry of a power that goes beyond our strength. That power is what transforms us. "One ear is open to the voice of GOD and the other is open to listen to concrete situations.

In the afternoon, there was a sharing of our daily experiences in language groups followed by a plenary session. We concluded the day as usual with an evening prayer service led by Br. Theodorus with the theme "The Journey to Emmaus and Our Journey". The inspiration from the theme is that God accompanies his people during their whole life journey.

Br. William Wijayanto

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