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OASIS Report, Thursday, 19th October 2023. (by: bro. Theodorus)

Called and sent to be a bearer of Good News in a Joyful life. 

OASIS Report, Thursday, 19th October 2023.


We opened the day with the usual morning prayer using the theme “Protecting Their Heritage.” In this prayer, we expressed our profound gratitude to our Founders for their rich heritage, and asked for the grace to strive to build on this heritage. We also asked God to grant us the spirit of courage and perseverance to freely and willingly offer our lives in service of the Good News and for the growth of the entire Congregation.


In the first session, bro. Theodorus led a reflection on “being good and doing good” and also “Called and sent to be the bearers of Good News in Joyful life.” He emphasized on one of the  important issues: “We must have the experience of being called. We must also realize that there is always a purpose for every call. Likewise, the call of God, which is the foundation of our choice of life as Brothers FIC, contains a logical consequence of the mission. We can re-contemplate on what the FIC Constitutions art. 15 and 16 says: …After answering “YES” to the call, we receive the mission. Just as after proclaiming the vows, we accept the mission to live according to our role and function in the congregation. That call contains the mission to live according to His Good News. How do we live according to His joyful news? The joyful news is nothing else, but the Gospel and the Gospel is the good news of God fully manifested in the life, the presence, and work of Jesus. So, to live according to the call means to live according to the Gospel and by the spirit of Jesus himself. Living according to the spirit of the Gospel means living according to the evangelical values that are summed up in the three vows we have promised (cf. FIC Constitutions art.6).” After a short introduction, the participants had the opportunity to reflect on it by way of some guiding questions.


In the second session, bro Johan Mujtjens gave us some insight into the “Rule of Conduct” written by bro. Bernardus Hocken. He stated that the central message of the whole text is Trust, Confidence, and Faith. Humility is the basis of trust. Furthermore, he told us that all virtues illuminate and complement each other, we cannot separate one from the other. He also mentioned some typical quotes from bro. Bernard, such as: “Therefore, banish from your heart the dread and the fear which are unbecoming to a man of faith, one who fights in place of God, for God, and along with God”; “I can do all things in Him who strengthens me”. (Phil.4:13).


The whole afternoon, we had a presentation on “Our Apostolic Mission,” given by bro. Pascal Mtuwana. In his conclusion, he remarked: Anyway, Rutten and Bernardus had a definite preference for the poor. And we should maintain that preference, shouldn’t we? Generally speaking, I would say: take care that the poor are not pushed aside by those that are better off. Go on to give extra attention to the poor. The danger that the poor are pushed aside is a reality always and everywhere, not only in schools. And the poorest of all are the most vulnerable. I cannot give examples, yet I think this danger exists in your Provinces, too, in one way or another. Be aware of it. Be on your guard against it (Bro. Bruno v.d. Made: FIC Heritage).”


We concluded the day with a eucharistic celebration. We thanked God for the gift that Bro. Bernard gave us “the rule of conduct” with ten virtues that we have tried to live out as brothers FIC and also with the apostolic mission to spread the “Good News” and the value of the preferential option for the poor.


Prepared by Theodorus

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