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12.01.2024 16:40:14 375x read.
My Impression on the FIC Journey to Spiritual Enrichment (Oasis 2023) Bro. Didas Toogumo, Mt. Zion Community, Nandom

My Impression on the FIC Journey to Spiritual Enrichment (Oasis 2023)

Bro. Didas Toogumo, Mt. Zion Community, Nandom

Dear Brothers, I am honoured to be invited to share my reflections on the recently concluded FIC Journey to Spiritual Enrichment (Oasis 2023), a program designed for the continuing formation of brothers, aiming to foster spiritual development and deepen our identity as religious.

Our constitution, as outlined in Article 115, emphasizes the importance of remaining open to development and formation throughout our lives. This ongoing commitment to growth, both individually and as a community, is integral to the fidelity of our vocation. The FIC Journey to Spiritual Enrichment program is a testament to this commitment, and I am privileged to offer my insights as a graduate and Animator of the program.

The theme of the 2023 Spiritual Journey, "Called Together and Sent out to be the Bearers of Good News in a joyful life," resonates deeply with the core of our calling. It challenges us to reflect on our daily lives, individually and as a congregation, questioning whether we authentically embody our role as bearers of the Good News or inadvertently convey the opposite.

Furthermore, the emphasis on deepening our identity and mission as Brothers FIC, as articulated in Article 10 of our constitution, underscores the importance of protecting our heritage. This involves a profound concern for spiritual and religious needs, a commitment to fraternal community life, and a special reverence towards Mary.

The program's discussions during the 2023 Oasis centred on these critical aspects of our religious life, addressing the gap that often exists in our commitment to spiritual development, community life, and veneration of Mary. In my opinion, the program's success lies in the participants' sincere dedication to viewing it as a spiritual exercise aimed at enhancing our spirituality as religious.

The program has profoundly impacted my relationship with God, influencing my prayer life, community interactions, and apostolate, and it has given me a deeper understanding of our congregation. I ardently wish that every brother in our congregation could experience the transformative effects of this journey.

Drawing inspiration from the Gospel of Luke 24:13-35, the story of walking to Emmaus, the Oasis 2023 mirrors the experience of Jesus joining with his disciples. The facilitators, like Jesus, enlightened us on our identity as Brothers FIC and our role in the Church. The pilgrimage to historical places further deepened our understanding of the original Spirit and connection to the roots of our congregation.

Just as the disciples, who after recognizing Jesus fearlessly proclaimed the Good News, participants of the FIC Spiritual Journey should act as ambassadors, conveying the significance of the program to those who are yet to experience it. Living out the identity of Brothers FIC, as pledged in the covenant at the program's conclusion, becomes our responsibility.

In conclusion, I implore each reader to take their spiritual development seriously. Our prayer life, community interactions, and commitment to our apostolate define the uniqueness of our religious vocation. Let us remember that the success of our apostolate and communal life hinges on the sincerity of our prayer life. May God bless and protect us on our ongoing journey as religious.

Bro. Didas Toogumo is the Animator of the Oasis participants in Ghana

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