08.05.2017 17:46:47 638x read. OASIS Exercise 2 of Stage 2 (for OASIS 2017 participants) Greetings!
May this letter find you well, experiencing the joy, peace, hope and love of the Holy Spirit.
I’m writing you this, presuming that you have gone through the Exercise One for the 2nd
stage (‘desert’) of your journey. I trust and hope, then, that by the help of the exercise you
may have come to know yourself better and deeper, and have become more aware of how
your daily life has been going, where you come from (your origin of my life), the reason or
purpose of your existence, and what will be the destiny of your life.
(By the way, if you have not really got the good opportunity to do the exercise, there is still
enough time to do it). DOWNLOAD FILE