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03.10.2023 22:58:50 542x read.
Day One of the FIC Journey to Spiritual Enrichment (by: Bro. Pascal M.)

Day One of the FIC Journey to Spiritual Enrichment

After the opening ceremony on Sunday 1st October at the Sisters’ facility Onder de Bogen in Maastricht, the FIC Journey to Spiritual Enrichment started in earnest on Monday 2nd October 2023.  The participants started the day with a morning prayer which was led by the Indonesian delegates. Among other intentions, participants prayed for the Ghanaian delegates who were still awaiting to finalise their documents for departure. Participants also expressed gratitude to God for the opportunity to travel to the cradle of the Congregation. The participants felt that coming to take part in the Oasis was in itself a miracle. 


Morning Session: Group Dynamics

Bro Valentinus Daru presented the first topic of Group Dynamics on two levels: theoretical and practical. Even before the theoretical presentation, he engaged the participants in some warm up activities as a way of introducing the topic. Among others he described group dynamics as a process that enriches the group through a creative and learning process. Furthermore, that good group dynamics boosts communication which is transparent and effective. Bro Valentinus gave the participants helpful tips in group dynamics such as diversity, cultural and inspirational creativity, celebration of differences, openness and continuous learning.

After the theoretical presentation, Valentinus invited the participants to go outside the conference room where he engaged them in physical exercises. The outdoor activities were focused on team work, concentration and precision. Bro Valentinus divided the participants into two groups and gave them some playing materials such as ping pong balls, strings and rubber pipes to use in a game. The participants were fully immersed in the activities and seemed to thoroughly enjoy themselves. Before they realised it, they had to break for lunch.

Afternoon Session: Personal Sharing – Who I Am as Human and Christian

In the afternoon, Bro Theodorus invited the participants to share their life story. Each brother shared deep personal stories of their lives as human beings and as Christians, and as Brothers FIC. Each story was unique, very touching and deeply emotional. Every participant ended their life story by sharing a personal symbol and describing how it was connected to their life experiences and what it meant to them in a personal way. Among the symbols were: a banana plant, a candle, an apple tree, a pencil and a crucifix. Due to time limitation other participants were to continue sharing on the next day.

Eucharistic Celebration

According to the program, each day will be concluded with a Eucharistic celebration after the evening meal. Fr Raphael (Vincentian Priest) is the main celebrant. On this first day he linked some of the personal life stories of the participants with his homily. He basically stressed that God wants everyone to be saved and wishes the best for us all. 


Conclusion of the Day

The Participants will be ending each day with a common recreation. It is an opportunity to wind down and reminisce the day’s experiences over a drink and some snacks. On this first day the brothers went to bed feeling deeply grateful to God and fellow brothers for the gift of life and fraternal communion. Slowly one can see that they are building a community of human beings, emulating the first Christians, sharing everything in common, only this time it is also on a deeper personal level.

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