29.08.2017 20:21:45 1542x read. OASIS Daily Report OASIS Encounter, August 27,2017. DAILY REPORT OASIS ENCOUNTER, THE NETHERLANDS AUGUST 27, 2017.
The FIC Spiritual Journey reached the first weekend on 26/27 August. After a whole week of spiritual activities we were given the opportunity to freely relax and enjoy the serene atmosphere outside the convent of the sisters. We celebrated the Sunday’s Eucharist in the chapel of De Beyart together with our fellow brothers, sisters of different congregations and lay people who stay in this care home. The celebrant was no other person than our own brother, Nico Coolen, who extended a warm welcome to our brother-visitors from Ghana and Indonesia. The Eucharistic celebration which began at 10.30 witnessed a blend of various cultures represented by our brothers from Indonesia, Ghana and The Netherlands. In general the celebration was in Dutch but the readings and songs were a mixture of Dutch, Latin, English, Dagaare and Bahasa Indonesia. The choir of De Beyard under the leadership of Bro. Gerard Herman led the singing during the Eucharistic celebration. Bro. Albertus Slamet from Indonesia sang the Responsorial Psalm and Alleluya in Bahasa Indonesia with the Javanese tune, while our fellow brothers from Ghana sang the lamb of God in Dagare accompanied by drums and led by Bro. Ireneus Nimbare. In short the Sunday Eucharist in the chapel of De Beyard was characterized by enculturation and universality. To me personally, the Eucharistic celebration was beautiful. This universal atmosphere was also observed during the offertory. The offering of bread and wine was done by three participants of the OASIS from different countries, namely Bro. Wim Brands from the Netherlands, Bro. Titus Totok from Indonesia, and Bro. Fabian Kuupille from Ghana. After the Eucharist, all of us were invited to have coffee or tea in the hall of De Beyard. At 12 noon the participants returned to the “Stilte en Bezinningscentrum Onder de Bogen” for lunch. The afternoon time was left free for participants who filled the time by engaging in private or group activities. Some of them visited the residence of the General Council, others the General Council's office and the rest joined the afternoon crowds in the city of Maastricht. We had our supper together at 18.00 and the usual evening recreation at 21.00 with various card games and recounting of stories of the day.
By Titus Totok Tri Nugroho |