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22.01.2015 20:50:07 1320x read.
Daily Report OASIS 2014, FIC Journey to Spiritual Enrichment.

A short report of OASIS 2014. Wahlwiller, November 20, 2014.
First of all, we thank you Lord our God that all participants of OASIS have arrived in The Netherlands safely, yet in a good condition and healthy.  Before we started with our OASIS, for a several days Indoensian brothers stayed at de Beyart, Ghanaian brothers stayed at Emmaus community, Malawian brothers and Alpitio Kog (Ghana) stayed at Capucijnengang community, and Chilean brothers stayed at Prins Biscchopsingel.
After four or more days the participants took their rest, and they also had change to see some communities and places in The Netherlands, on Thursday evening we opened our OASIS with the opening eucharitic celebration, led by Bro. Nico Coolen.  The theme of the opening eucharistic celebration was “God Has A Dream”. One the thing that we had to reflect during homily was “OASIS :  A WAY TO HAVE LIFE ABUNDANTLY”.


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