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23.08.2017 21:18:35 1448x read.
Daily Report, FIC-Journey to Spiritual Enrichment, OASIS 2017, Tuesday, 22 August 2017.



OASIS 2017



The weather of the second day of our OASIS was sunny and vibrant. Our second day of the OASIS was our recollection day and we created an absolute silent atmosphere. We began our day with the morning prayer led by Bro. Guido Sukarman. The theme of our morning prayer was "GOD'S LOVE LETTER FOR YOU". We began our morning prayer by singing a song with the title “Come to me”. After we sang that song, Bro. Guido shared his deep story in connection with his deep relationship with his close friends and with his beloved God. It is about “falling in love” with our special friend and our God. Bro. Guido invited and showed us that anyone who wants to come to Jesus will get everything. Jesus who is God cares and loves us with his compassionate and unconditional love.  A quiet and serene atmosphere helped and supported the OASIS 2017 participants in reflecting on the love of God in their lives. The participants were asked to remain peaceful and empty themselves so that God himself will fill their hearts. In addition, the participants  are required to realize that each of them is truly loved by God.


We started our activities by listening to the introduction of the recollection day, which was given by Bro. Guido Sukarman. During the first session, the participants were invited to reflect on God's Love for us by meditating on the “Love Letter from God” for us and accompanied by some quotations from the Scriptures. Then they focused on the passages  one after the other. Next to that, Bro. Guido asked us to draw a free image as a form of expression of the feelings of the brothers at that time. Then after drawing, all participants were asked to put the drawings on the floor and the participants were then asked to enjoy the drawing of each of us. The brothers were asked to re-examine the main purpose of this OASIS encounter and what their desires are in participating in this encounter and the discipline that the brothers aspire to.


After having a short break we continued our second session. During the second session the brothers were asked to contemplate the reading from the Prophet Ezekiel 36: 24-28. Bro. Guido asked the OASIS participants to be aware of and recognize the feelings of the brothers today, upon entering this encounter program. They continued this activity by sharing in language groups. Participants were divided into three language groups namely Bahasa Indonesia (8 brothers), English (5 brothers), and Dutch (4 brothers). The sharing was based on the drawings which they made in the morning session and the material given by Bro. Guido Sukarman. According to my experience and personal reflection, I could go deeper to my own personality and my experiences of being loved by God. I realized that God loves me so much. I was touched by this love letter of God, namely: “And it is my desire to lavish my love on you.” (1 John 3:1)


By. William Widodo

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