08.06.2014 00:13:19 566x read. NEWS Workshop for Provincial Treasurers FIC, June 7, 2014 Workshop for Provincial Treasurers FIC, June 7, 2014. Saturday is holiday in The Netherlands, but for the participants of the workshop this day was not holiday. We had three sessions of “Project Proposal”. During the first session Bro. Remy gave a brief introduction how to write project proposal. During the second session participants worked in a small group work to write a brief paper concept of project proposal. We had one hour for plenary session before lunch time. The objectives of this topic are, just to mention: a) Provide a general framework on fund development, b) Guide participants to develop a concept paper, and 3) Engage participants to develop a full proposal for a project that needs funding-collaborative effort. Bro. Remy divided the participants in two group works: group A) Bros. Clement, Joseph, and Lucio, and group B) Bros. Ivo Heatubun, Joe Banda, Petrus Anjar, and Yohanes Triwuryanto. We discussed the assignment was given by Remy in group for one hour and followed by a plenary session for thirty minutes. We discovered that to write a concept papert of project proposal was not easy. But we tried our best to do that. Although our sessions today officially closed by lunch time, but we had to continue to do our “homework” to write a full concept of our real “Project Proposal”. That “Project Proposal” will be presented by each group on Wednesday afternoon, June 11, 2014. We were happy, we got good news from Bro. Lo that on Sunday afternoon his community at Prins Bisschopsingel invited us to have “barbecue” for our supper. We enjoyed the bright day today. Theodorus Suwariyanto |