05.06.2014 18:14:36 570x read. NEWS Workshop for Provincial Treasurers FIC, June 4, 2014 Report-Day 3-Treasurer’s Workshop. Today’s activities started at 7:30 am with a prayer service prepared and led by Ghana Province. This then gave way to a session with ING Bank Officials who sent participants through different types of investments procedures. One of the key issues highlighted during today’s session was: what is investment and why should we invest? We delved into technical issues concerning investments and pay offs, the risks involved in investment and asset classes and their various risks. We looked at some important considerations on investments such as risks tolerance and income needs among others. The importance of diversification of our investments was also highlighted. Bonds as a contract certificate of debt made up of coupons and principal which are payable on future date was also discussed in detailed. We looked at the characteristics of bonds, types of bonds, grades and returns, the risks involved and their yields over the years. The participants were also taken through investing in equity shares and their likely returns. The equity investment possibilities and very crucial issues to consider before selecting shares was discussed as well. We were also taken through the philosophy of sustainable Investment processes, policies and analysis for companies and country/ Governments. Long term sustainability issues/trends and the importance of continuous monitoring of sustainability policies were also discussed. The participants went through the financial report (the Income Statement and the financial position) of the General Council/Treasury for the year ended December, 2013. This gave us an insight as to what is expected from us as treasurers in preparing our financial reports. The day ended with Eucharistic celebration in the evening at the De Beyart’s chapel which was followed by supper with the elderly brothers and recreation at 21:00 Dutch time.
Written By: Br. Clement Naapire |