GENERAL COUNCIL F.I.C. - Prins Bisschopsingel 22, 6211 JX Maastricht, The Netherlands  Phone: *31 (0) 43 3508373
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13.06.2014 19:50:49 835x read.
Workshop for Provincial Treasurers FIC, June 13, 2014


The day began with a thanksgiving prayer service expressing our gratitude for all the blessings and gifts we have received particularly during the two weeks workshop.

After the prayer service, we went into two groups to look back on all the activities of the past ten days and to identify critical issues which we can adopt as guiding principles in our role as Provincial Treasurers and General Treasurers. The two groups later presented their reports in a plenary session. Some resolutions were made such as,  working with the revised "Finance and Administration Manual FIC", giving accurate reports on Third Party Money, using the "Budgeting and reporting models" presented during the working and also to organize workshops for our Local/Community Bursars within our various provinces.

Participants  also took some time to evaluate the workshop. I put down here some of the comments: "Being part of an international religious institute has certainly been strengthened. Fine atmosphere among participants. Most positive aspects of the workshop";  " I further understood bookkeeping in FIC Congregation"; "I think the province should also make financial guidelines for provincial bursars and local bursars"; "The planning, communication, topics, facilitation, food and accommodation as well as the outing were very good"; "The presentations on budgeting, reporting and control were very useful"; "Treasurers got some assistance in writing project proposal"; "The venue of the workshop was a little bit far from where participants stayed. The walking make participants tired especially in the afternoon sessions".  

On the whole, participants experienced the workshop as being useful and supportive in their role as treasurers.

After the evaluation of the workshop, a representative of the General Superior, Br. Theodorus Suwariyanto, presented a closing address on behalf of the General Superior. Among other points, he thanked the organizing committee of the workshop for their hard work. Br. Theodorus also thanked the members of the Prins Bisschopsingel (PBS) community for their practical support and finally, he thanked the participants for their active participation in the various activities of the workshop.

We are looking forward to seeing the practical fruits of this workshop in the coming years.

This officially brought the workshop to a close at 12.10 PM(CET).

By Br. Remy Nyukorong

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