13.06.2014 14:48:26 775x read. NEWS Workshop for Provincial Treasurers FIC, June 11, 2014. Today we began with the common Morning Prayer commemorating St. Barabas, the apostle and we pray for Bro. Jo Banda who celebrated his 32nd birthday. After breakfast we enthusiastically went to the workshop site in Prins Bisschopsingel 22. The meeting which was moderated by Bro. Lo Koeleman discussed about the planning maintenance and cost reduction. Each province was given a chance to share the experiences on how to plan the maintenance and the cost reduction. We realized that to renovate the community building in our provinces long term planning was needed since the buildings are old, some are already more than 50 years old. Bro. Lo emphasized the importance of a skillful person who could professionally helped the province. We also share about the self reliance efforts especially the effort of local income generating. The Province did many efforts to generate local incomes such as renting the vacant building, building hostel and develop rubber plantation and durian plantation. In the break time, we had an opportunity to celebrate the birthday of Bro Jo Banda. We enjoyed the cake prepared by Bro. Lo. Beside the workshop participants, the member of the General Councils and the Provincial Councils of the Netherland were also present to give attention to Bro. Jo. After the coffee break, Bro. Remy guided us to continue the process of writing project proposal. Bro Remy explain patiently the detail of writing project proposal to get the sponsor for the project or the apostolic of the province. Bro Remy asked us to complete the Project Proposal and tried to send to the existing sponsor Institution. Then we had personal time after lunch. Bro. Petrus Anjar |