11.06.2014 16:54:02 697x read. NEWS Workshop for Provincial Treasurers FIC, June 10, 2014 WORKSHOP FOR PROVINCIAL TREASURERS FIC, JUNE 10, 2014. Participants started the day with a prayer service that was prepared by the Ghana province delegation at 7:00am at the De Beyart. The theme was : You Are The Salt Of The Earth. At about 9:00am delegates were ready for the first secession of the day at the Prins Bisschopsingel. Members continued to practice the Exact Program that was introduced to them on the 4th of June up to the break time. After the coffee break Mr. Frank Pijpers introduce the topic ‘The Spirituality Of Finances’ to members. He used the rule of St. Benedict for his presentation.. Among other things he mentioned the main principle rule of St. Benedict such as to pray, work, rest. He further on added the tasked of a treasury, and some aspect of the Canon Law. With the tasked of every treasury, he said all treasurers should always be in charge of all daily financial matters, Proper book keeping, reporting and control, property management, Donation relating to benefactors, immigration procedures and money transfers. He also added that every treasurer should have some knowledge on the code of Canon Law. Specifically on The temporal goods of the church and the administration of Goods. He codes article 1284 of the Canon Law which reads “all administrators are bound to fulfill their function with the diligence of a good house hold”. The third session started at 2:30pm led by Bro Lo. The topic was about the chart of accounts. Bro Lo went through the chart of accounts with examples from each of the Provinces. There were some additions and subtractions of some folios which will be common accounts for all provinces to use in the near future. The day ended with a Eucharistic celebration at the De Bayart followed by supper and recreation. Prepared: Joseph C Kyoore (Ghana Province) |