24.05.2014 02:23:31 747x read. NEWS Treasurers' workshop 2014 Treasurers' Workshop 2014
As was published in the February issue of IGC, there will be a workshop for all FIC treasurers in Maastricht from 3 - 13 June 2014. Here we publish the names of the participants of the workshop. Let us all pray that the Lord will inspire them as they prepare towards it and that their encounter will be truly rewarding for the fruitful financial administration of our congregation.
Chile (1): Bro. Lucio Torres Martin Ghana (2): Bro. Clement Nangpiire Bro. Joseph Kyoore Indonesia (2): Bro. Yohanes Triwuryanto Bro. Petrus Anjar Trihartono Malawi (2): Bro. Ivo Heatubun Bro. Joe Banda The Netherlands (2): Bro. Frans Turkenburg Mr. Johan Steuten General Council: Bro. Martinus Handoko (partly) Bro. Guido Sukarman (partly) Bro. Raphael Besigrinee (partly) Bro. Theodorus Suwaryanto (fully) General Treasury: Bro. Remy Nyukorong Bro. Lo Koeleman Experts: Mr. Frank Pijpers Mr. Frank van der Gun (ING) Mr. Ton Raaijmakers Staff: Mr. Willy Bastiaens |