16.08.2018 01:38:38 793x read. NEWS THE DAILY PROCEEDINGS OF THE 2018 GENERAL CHAPTER IN DENEKAMP, 14TH AUGUST, 2018. WRITE-UP OF THE DAILY PROCEEDINGS OF THE 2018 GENERAL CHAPTER IN DENEKAMP, 14TH AUGUST, 2018. The Malawian delegation was responsible for the liturgy of the day. The theme for our Morning Prayer service was “Simplicity of Heart” and the main reflection for the day was “God the Father does not want any of His little ones to get lost. What does this mean to you?” From previous discussions on the GC report and also proposal seven (7)entitled “The Religious House, Netherlands (RHN)” it was evident that some delegates still did not fully understand this novelty of the present status of the Dutch province now being called “Religious House Netherlands.” Therefore, though it was not on the day’s agenda, the Agenda Committee found it helpful to ask the Dutch delegation to further explain the situation of the Religious House Netherlands and particularly on the level of involvement of the non-brothers in the day-to-day management and living of the Dutch brothers. This was therefore done at the beginning of the first session. Quoting some articles from the already approved Statutes of the RHN, Bro. Wim on behalf of the Dutch delegation offered a very concise input on the above subject. There were no further questions to this after his presentation. The house then proceeded as usual with the discussion on some proposals. We, the members of the 2018 general chapter are not only gifted with the presence of the Holy Spirit but also a sudden spreading of an influenza virus among us. It is worrying to observe that as many as seven of us (delegates and supporting staff) are already nursing and manifesting some symptoms of the flu. Consequently, three members of the house were unable to participate in the deliberations of the afternoon session. The discussions however, of the last session focused exclusively on the continuation of “stage one” of the election process of a new General Council (GC). The secretaries of the various mixed groups each presented on behalf of the group members the findings on requirements, and qualifications/expectations of new GC members. Clarifying questions were asked afterwards. A very controversial point on the requirement/quality of GC members that generated a lot of argument and concern was that GC members should be less than 60 years old. It was also observed among others that the points presented by the secretaries were too many and repetitious. Therefore, we agreed to have them summarized. A three member committee was then constituted to collate the points for further consideration. At the close of the session, Bro. Martinus Handoko (the chairman of the chapter) announced that Bros. Wim Luiten (the leader of the Religious House Netherland) and Bro. Ton van Baaren, a delegate and a golden jubilarian have obtained his permission to return to Maastricht to participate in the Jubilee celebrations of our fellow Dutch brothers on the 15th of August. During the Eucharistic celebration in the evening, we prayed among others for our brother jubilarians. Except the fast spreading influenza virus which is threatening the good health of the delegates, we are in good spirit and very focused on the main purposes of the chapter.We are most grateful to all and sundry who are praying for us. |