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05.11.2019 18:22:46 1203x read.
Send Off Bro. Petrus Suparyanto, 22 August 2019 (very late post)

Send Off Bro. Petrus Suparyanto, 22 August 2019.

Members of the Emmaus community bid good-bye to Bro. Petrus Suparyanto during a farewell celebration on Thursday, 22 August 2019. Bro. Petrus had been living in the community for 8 years, while on a study apostolate.

In attendance were our fellow brothers from the Bernardus community of de Beyart, Prins Bisschopsingel and Rooden Leeuw communities, all in Maastricht. The niece of Bro. Guido Sukarman and her husband (Theresa and Johanes) were also present.

The programme began with a welcome cup of coffee/tea in the gardens at 17:30 hrs. This was followed by as inspirational and thanksgiving prayer service prepared and led by Bro. Valentinus Daru. We reflected on readings from our Constitutions no. 15, Vita Consecrata no. 72, Starting Afresh from Christ no. 15 and Mattew 5:13-16 (read out in English, Italian, Bahasa Indonesia and Dutch respectively). We thanked God for guiding Bro. Petrus Suparyanto to accomplish his doctoral studies and at the same time, asking God to continue to guide and keep him safe as he returns to Indonesia to a new community and apostolate.

The prayer service was followed by a social gathering; starting with a delicious dinner (Chinees-Indiche food) prepared by Bro. Widyo Rianto and assisted by Bro. Petrus himself. We did not only share food and drinks together but we also interacted with one another in a brotherly manner, exchange pleasantrie3s and experienced the joy of being together as brothers FIC.

During the gathering, Bro. Frans School, on behalf of the Emmaus Community, delivered a “farewell speech” in song form and invited all of us to sing with him. The song was heart touching and through it, we expressed our deep gratitude and love to Bro. Petrus for his simplicity and the many delightful services he offered to the community.

Summing up, the day was great, filled with reminiscence, fun and excitement.

Bro. Petrus, “May the road rise up to meet you. May the wing be even at your back. May the sun shine warm upon your face and rain fall softly on your fields. And until we meet again, may God hold you in the hollow of his hand.”

The programme came to an end at 20:45 hrs.

By Bro. Frans School

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