19.01.2018 17:23:51 755x read. NEWS Reports day 4 of Apostolic Congress 2018, Salatiga-Indonesia. BROTHERS FIC: APOSTOLIC CONGRESS 2018 – RONCALLI RETREAT HOUSE, SALATIGA, INDONESIA Wednesday, 17Th January, 2018 marked the third day of the twelve day long Apostolic Congress of the Brothers FIC. On Sunday evening, 14Th January we witnessed the official opening of this historic event in the main conference hall of Roncalli Retreat House at Salatiga in Indonesia. This was followed by a Eucharistic celebration attended not only by conference delegates but also Brothers of the nearby FIC Communities. The ensuing two days that followed were mainly devoted for group dynamics and recollection. The group dynamics focused on getting participants to interact at varied informal levels through singing, dancing, and group competitions/activities among others. This was both exciting and entertaining moments that occupied participants the entire morning. The rest of the time that followed was used for recollection on the topics: Brotherhood the gift we give away and the Prophetic dimension of Religious life. After the inputs, time was devoted for personal reflections, discussions at the various Provincial groups’ level and culminated with a plenum session for further sharing of experiences. Today was devoted for reports from Provinces. Given the loaded contents of these reports/presentations, only Ghana, Chile and Indonesia could report. The last two Provinces namely Malawi and the Netherlands would have their turn later in the week. The reports centered on what is alive in the various Provinces in the area of apostolate, their successes, challenges, their collaboration with others and aspirations. These reports sought to inform as well as allowed room for clarifications and learning from the experiences of others. It is hoped that some of the issues that emanated from the reports and discussions would eventually be translated into chapter proposals at the end of the day. The day ended with the usual Eucharistic celebration at 6:30pm. We can all look back to a day well spent. We are grateful to God for the gift of this day and what he has enabled us to achieve. May his name be praised forever. By Bro. Seregeous Dery |