06.08.2024 22:51:02 416x read. NEWS REPORT ON DAY TWO OF THE 2024 FIC GENERAL CHAPTER (by bro. Ireneus Nimbare) REPORT ON DAY TWO OF THE 2024 FIC GENERAL CHAPTER The second day of the 2024 General Chapter of the Brothers FIC (5th August 2024) was blessed with very fine weather and a peaceful atmosphere. All the delegates were in good health. However, the recollection facilitator, Rev. Fr Andrew Anumu Quaye-Foli, SVD, who was suddenly taken ill before the opening of the Chapter, could not recover to moderate the recollection. The chapter members are grateful to God for the healing mercies granted to Fr. Andrew so far and continue to pray for his speedy recovery. In his place, Rev. Fr. Dominic Apee, M. Afr. was invited at short notice to facilitate the chapter 2024. The day began with an inspiring and challenging prayer service under the theme: “The Miracle of Sharing”. The prayer service was organized and led by the Chilean Province. The prayer leaders called for divine generosity and fraternal unity following the example of Jesus. The miracle of multiplication of five loaves and two fish to feed more than 5000 people teaches us some lessons: first, it tells us to emulate the compassionate heart of Jesus, who cares for needy persons and attends to their spiritual and material needs. This compassion calls us too to be attentive and sensitive to the needs of others, especially the most vulnerable and marginalized in our society. Second, the multiplication of the loaves reveals God’s boundless generosity, and God always provides abundantly for those who trust him. The whole of day two was devoted to recollection and group sharing on the theme of the 2024 Chapter: “Renewal of our Consecrated Live and Mission in the Spirit of Synodality.” The material of the recollection is the official opening address to the Chapter given by Bro. Augustine Kubdaar, the chairman. He asked us to use that paper for our deepening, since the presenter was taken sick. He also gave us two reflective questions to guide our individual reflection and small group sharing. The questions are: 1) How can we actively engage in the spirit of synodality, as emphasized by Pope Francis, to foster genuine dialogue and communion during this General Chapter? 2) In what ways can we balance the need for renewal and transformation with the responsibility to safeguard our heritage and the foundational charism of our Congregation? We spent the whole morning and one session in the afternoon for individual reflection, and the last session for small group sharing. The four groups experienced the sharing as quite enriching. The day closed with a Eucharistic celebration. It was a day well spent, and we are deeply grateful to all the delegates for their active involvement and contributions. Before retiring to bed, we gathered for our usual social evening, just to relax and have informal interactions. Prepared by bro. Ireneus Nimbare |