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23.01.2018 08:16:37 716x read.
Report on Day 7; Saturday, 20/01/2018, Apostolic Congress 2018.


REPORT ON DAY 7;           SATURDAY, 20/01/2018

The days’ activities began with a morning prayer service conducted by brothers from the Netherlands Religious House, Bro. Wim Luiten and Bro. Ton van Baaren. Participants were made to reflect on some of the writings of our Founders Mgr.  Louis Rutten and Bro Bernardus.  Thereafter, Brothers from Malawi Province took their turn to present their apostolic experiences.

The areas captured in the presentation included: Background of the Province, Apostolic projects’ Role played by the brothers, Challenges confronting brothers in the Province and other activities they embarked on with the view to generating domestic income.

After the presentation, participants took turns to ask questions for clarification. Some of the questions were about the coordination of the school for the deaf (there are three schools for deaf, the challenges to get involve of the teacher on shared mission, the preparation for the leadership on the apostolic work in the future, etc. After that dialogue the participants understood better about the matters.

Next was a presentation by the Brothers from Netherlands Province.  Being the Mother Province and the oldest, most of their apostolic works are carried out internally in the form of caring for fellow brothers, assisting in community chores, leading brothers in spiritual exercises and so on.  They took the different way to present their presentation. The first part of the presentation they invited us to watch the power point with some interesting pictures about the activities or apostolic works of our elderly brothers in the Netherlands. It was so inspiring and made us aware about the important thing to prepare ourselves in doing our internal apostolate in our old age.

In the afternoon session, Bro. Raphael Besigrinee gave an input on the origin and dynamism of Brothers FIC mission and charism. In a 2-hour power point presentation Bro. Raphael highlighted how FIC Charism was borne, the nature of our mission, Apostolic needs in our Provinces and the expansion of FIC Mission outside the Netherlands. At the end of his presentation he gave us three reflective questions to reflect on its.

The day’s activities ended  with a solemn Eucharistic celebration at 6.30pm. 

By. Fabian Bezel

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