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11.10.2017 08:24:02 1091x read.
Report on Congregational Conference 2017, Buin-Chile on Monday, 10th October 2017.




The day begun with the usual morning prayer facilitated by Malawi Province. The readings and reflections were centred on our apostolic mission. This paved way for the start of the day’s business after breakfast.

First, we had a briefing co-presented by Bros. Theodorus and Remy on an international symposium for General Treasurers which they had attended some time earlier this year in Rome. Their inputs mainly dwelled on what is expected of  Religious Congregations in the use/management of their material goods in the light of their Charisms for holistic wellbeing of their members and Congregation, and in so doing continue to bear  Christian/prophetic witness in their apostolate and to the world.

The representation also highlighted the importance of good working relationship between General Superiors and Treasurers and how this can either benefit their Congregations or negate efforts of an entire Council if working together is marred by sour relationship. The need for good collaboration and working relationship is not only recommended for General Superiors and their functionaries but is also extends to Provincial Superiors and Treasurers as well as Local Councils and Bursars. Issues such as authorisation and control in financial management, transparency and vigilance, financial statements and balance sheets among others also featured prominently for discussion.

Next to this, we looked at the content/programmes; daily time table as well as relevant practical matters in relation to the impending apostolic Congress scheduled for 14Th – 27Th January, 2017 at Salatiga - Indonesia. Some elucidations were given and clarifying questions/points for attention tabled for attention. It was facilitated by Bro. Theodorus.

The afternoon session was reserved for a meeting between the General Council and the Provincial Superior of Malawi Province. We had a communion service at 6.30pm to close the day.

By Bro. Seregeous Dery

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