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21.06.2023 21:06:27 504x read.
Report on ConCon, 20th of June 2023 (By Frans Dwiyatno)

Report on ConCon, 20th of June 2023 

By Frans Dwiyatno

Today is Tuesday 20th June 2023.  We started the day’s activities with a morning prayer in the chapel with the theme “Walking together with our founders with love.” We were invited to reflect on the spirit of our founders based on our Constitution article 16.  The reading came from the gospel about “love for each other’’, taken from John 15, 12-17.

In the first session, the General Council presented its report on its activities regarding the implementation of the resolutions of the General Chapter 2018, covering the period September 2022 till 31 May 2023. The GC gave the statistics of the congregation, the functioning of the GC, collaboration with other bodies, visitations, implementation of the resolutions, and some other relevant information. Some of the resolutions are fully implemented. Others however are in progress, namely composition of the next general chapter, the seat of the general council, international meeting for formators, FIC journey, focusing our apostolic work on the poorest and needy, gift policy, formulation and pursuance of a specific community mission, care of our environment, Mary’s Immaculate Conception, and the use of the internet and social media. The report was very clear and satisfactory, thus it received commendation from the participants. 

During the second session, we discussed the composition of the next general chapter of 2024. The General Council reminded us of our last resolution about the composition of the next general chapter. The total number of members is 31, consisting of the ex-officio members, non-elected member, and delegates from every province. The decision taken on the number during the last congregational conference has not changed.

In the third session, we discussed the seat of the General Council. `The General Council summarized the opinions of the brothers in the provinces/RHN on the seat of the General Council, and presented the results in PowerPoint.  The chairman then asked again of the opinion of all present. The popular opinion is that the brothers want the GC seat to remain in the Netherlands. This is the first step of exploring the brothers’ opinions about the GC seat. Other opinions include moving the seat to Indonesia, to Rome, and others to Ghana. There were reasons given for every opinion. This will be presented at the next general chapter.


The remaining time was for sharing on the gift policy and response or comments on the annual report of  Chile that was given earlier. When discussing gift policy, the participants were invited to recall that the spirit of the policy is based on the FIC constitution. All the provinces gave their sharing on the implementation of the gift policy. 

Ultimately, we emphasize understanding the poor and needy better, being exemplary, thinking, taking action, and inspiring others. 

On the annual report of Chile, we understand the difficulties of Chile province and pledge to continue to support their efforts to promote the mission in Chile. Whatever happens in Chile is our responsibility as a Congregation. 


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