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15.08.2024 15:51:04 398x read.
Report General Chapter Tuesday 13 August 2024 (by: Bro. Raphael Besigrinee)

Report General Chapter  Tuesday 13 August 2024

Raphael Besigrinee

“… God is light, and in Him there is no darkness at all”. This was the core inspirational message that guided the day’s business. We received this inspiration from the reflective reading this morning in a prayer service themed “Walking Joyfully in the Light of the Lord”. With this assurance of the Lord providing direction, we plunged courageously into the day’s programme. 

The day was dedicated mainly to the processing of proposals. Proposal 10, which bears the title “Solidarity with the Poor and Mother Earth”, initialled the day’s deliberation. Solidarity with the poor and care of the environment reflects our shared responsibility to protect the vulnerable members of society and preserve the natural world as stipulated in the document "Laudato Si”. It is not surprising that our provinces, after the 2023 ConCon, resolved to motivate and inspire our fellow Brothers and coworkers to take concrete actions in the care of our environment. We all believe it is no longer an option but a requirement. 

Revitalizing Our Mission to the Youth is one of the issues that became the centre of our discussion in the morning. Brothers believe this is of great significance because our Founders’ first concern in their apostolic and ministerial service was the well-being of young people, which they enhanced through personal encounters and close relationships. Young people hold the key to the future, but they need people to accompany them in the process of personal and faith maturation, helping them discern their life’s vocation. This initiative also serves as vocations promotion drive. 

The need to organize a meeting for formators and vocation promotors of the Congregation during the next six years of the incoming General Council received a substantial attention. Spending time to review formation work at this time is certainly noteworthy since we are experiencing a decline of membership in our congregation. Undoubtedly, the sustainability of our life and mission relies on drawing new members to our Congregation. An encounter of vocation promoters will radiate a positive vibe and convey the right motivation, releasing new and innovative ways of encountering the youth. That was the discussion on proposal 15. 

In discussing the FIC congregational program on continuing formation, proposals 14 and 21 were combined because they both express the same intention. The chapter saw the need to continue this ongoing formation program as articles 115 of our Constitution demands of us. A further emphasis was made that the program focuses on the identity and mission of our congregation, and be grounded on the spirit of the Founders.

The final session of the day was devoted to group presentations on the kind of General Council the congregation would like to have in the coming six years, and qualities the members should possess to merit election. Four groups did this presentations, bringing the day’s business to a close.  

We did not forget to gather for our evening recreation which is normally a time to celebrate the fruits of the day. 

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