GENERAL COUNCIL F.I.C. - Prins Bisschopsingel 22, 6211 JX Maastricht, The Netherlands  Phone: *31 (0) 43 3508373
Wednesday, February 12 2025  - 1 User Online  

26.08.2018 16:20:29 696x read.


24TH AUGUST, 2018

The weather of the day was different from the previous days. It drizzled a bit in the morning with the temperature colder than the previous days. We attended morning prayers at 7:30am led by the Ghanaian brothers. We had our breakfast and started the first session at 9:00am with a prayer by Br. Godwin Kuu-Ireme Saabekone.

The agenda for the day was finalizing the revised Chapter message and A O B. The revised version of the Chapter message was presented to the house for their comments. This was critically examined and some corrections and suggestions made on it for further amendment. A ten-minutes break was given to members after editing the Chapter message. When we returned from the break, Br. Wim Luiten from the Religious House of the Netherlands broke the sad news of the death of Br. Nico Coolen to the house. He has been the last Brother Priest of the FIC Congregation. The Brothers of the Religious House of the Netherlands also presented a paper to the house in titled: “The Story continues…..” The paper written in an emotional language sought to remind the rest of the Provinces to maintain the tradition, mission and vision of the Congregation as the Dutch Province that started the congregation and spread to many places and is now dying out. This touching and emotional message made some members in the house to sob as they share their feelings with the rest of the members when an open forum was announced by the Chapter facilitator. A very solemn atmosphere was maintained until the exiting General Superior (Br. Martin Handoko) called for the brothers to go for group photographs and have lunch.

The second session of the day began at 3:30pm. Members prayed the Chapter prayer to start the session. When this was done the house voted on the revised version of the Indonesian logo after some few explanations were given based on the history of the symbols on the logo. The exiting General Superior announced to the house that the official handing over of the old GC to the new GC will be done on the 21/11/18 in the Netherlands. The various Provincial leaders were given the chance to express themselves. This was done followed by sharing of some gifts from the Provinces to members in other Provinces. When this was done, Practical matters and pieces of information and agenda for the following day and Sunday were given to the house. The house closed for super and to prepare for the evening Eucharist in the Chapel. The day ended with recreation in the usual verandah near the Chapter room.

By: Bro. Godwin Kuu-Ireme

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