19.08.2018 14:12:21 895x read. NEWS REPORT GENERAL CHAPTER DENEKAMP SATURDAY, 17TH AUGUST, 2018. REPORT GENERAL CHAPTER DENEKAMP SATURDAY, 17TH AUGUST, 2018. We started today's activities with a morning prayer led by the Indonesian delegation. The theme was "Stand firm, for Christ has set us free." (Galatian 5: 1). This theme was chosen in honour of the 73rd independence anniversary celebration of Indonesia. We therefore prayed specially for the country Indonesia and its citizens, especially for the many Indonesian brothers who are members of the on-going General Chapter. United in prayer, we were grateful to God for the freedom that God has given us. At the end of the prayer, we sang together the anniversary songs: "HariMerdeka" (H. Mutahar) and "Indonesia Raya" (W.R. Supratman). Due to the outing the previous day, the first session of the day was declared free since members were still tired and needed more rest. For the business side, the rest of the day was devoted to the election process: stage two (2). For the opening prayer, article 43 of our Constitutions about "Unity in Diversity" was read after which we sang the song "Ubi Caritas". The chairman of the chapter Bro. Martinus Handoko read two Goodwill messages from the Fraters CMM and Bro. Ton Kropman, FIC. For stage two of the election process, we went into provincial groups to discuss and suggest possible names of brothers for the position of General Superior. We moved immediately into our mixed groups after half an hour to discuss the results and agree on several names of candidates for General Superior. This list was presented to the secretariat for compilation. In the afternoon session, each of the brothers mentioned was asked for his availability. Having done with this stage, with some time remaining we went to the next stage of the election, namely to discuss and find names of candidates who will accompany each candidate for General Superior. This exercise was done in an atmosphere of silence and prayer to enable the Holy Spirit work within each of us. This exercise was done in serious consideration for the requirements and qualities listed earlier for members of the new General Council. Also, articles 128 and 129 of our Constitutions were adhered to, in view of the fact the sitting General Superior Bro Martinus Handoko is finishing his second term of office and is therefore exempt from re-election. A candidate should also be ten years finally professed to be eligible for the position of General Superior. In this last exercise of the day, each provincial group was asked to propose two General Council teams with the composition of one (1) General Superior and 3 councillors who can work with him in a team. The results will be presented during the next sitting. As usual, we ended the day with a Eucharistic celebration and recreation at 21:00h. By Bro Eustachius R. EkoWijayanto |