18.08.2018 03:10:17 803x read. NEWS Report General Chapter, Denekamp 15 August 2018. Report General Chapter Denekamp 15 August 2018 Today, we began the day with a morning prayer to celebrate the Solemnity of the Assumption of Mary. The prayer was led by the brothers from Chile Province. This also marked an important day in the lives of the brothers in The Netherlands, namely celebration of their profession jubilees. We therefore prayed for the brothers who celebrate their jubilees as FIC Brothers, especially Bro. Ton van Baaren, a chapter member, who celebrates 50 years as FIC Brother this year. At the end of the prayer the Brothers from Chile gave all the members bookmarks with the country Chile on it. After breakfast, we discussed proposal 12 concerning the Congregational program on continuing Spiritual Formation. In general, members of the Chapter support the idea to continue the program on Continuing Spiritual Formation. Several issues regarding this program were discussed and given special attention, especially the preparation of brothers toward such spiritual exercises and the follow up of such exercises (e.g. the after-care exercises for the OASIS in the Netherland). A strong cooperation between the steering committee at the General Council level and the animators in our provinces is required to make the continuing formation program succeed. After break, members of the chapter discussed the Congregational Logo (proposal 11) presented by the General Council and proposal 21 from Ghana Province. The discussion centered on either adopting wholesale the new logo designed by the province of Indonesia, which is currently being used in all provinces, or adopt it with some modification. Below is the logo designed by the province of Indonesia, showing the front and back features.
After a long discussion and sharing of experiences about this logo, members agreed to adopt it as it is with some improvement such as strengthening the hook or reducing its size if necessary. The chapter thinks it is necessary also for brothers to be able to interpret the design at the back of the logo, for example the lily, the crown of thorns, the twelve stars and what exactly they represent. After dinner and taking rest, we began to discuss proposal 23 about Mary Immaculate Conception which was proposed by the FIC Community in the Hague. Here the chapter wants to make it clear that this proposal is not about our devotion to Mary as such, but our understanding on the Immaculate Conception of Mary which bears our name. This proposal was discussed alongside proposal 30 because they both express the same request. After a number of interpretations, responses and questions, chapter members agreed that indeed, as FIC Brothers, we need to go deeper into the understanding of the term "Mary Immaculate Conception". This brought us to the end of the day's proceedings before we broke up for supper and then the celebration of the Eucharistic. Bro. Agustinus Marjito