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19.08.2024 15:44:24 431x read.
REPORT GENERAL CHAPTER; August 18, 2024 (By Br. Giwal Santoso FIC)


By Br. Giwal Santoso FIC

Yesterday (August 17, 2024) marked the 79th independence anniversary of the Republic of Indonesia. The celebration we had yesterday is still fresh in our mind. Today being Sunday, there are no scheduled activities on the chapter schedule. The day is marked by a clear weather, with the sun shining brightly, indicating a sign of hope. The brothers after attending Sunday Mass at ISTC chapel, used the opportunity for some extra rest. Some of them perhaps were still tired and therefore needed to renew their energy after the outing to the Royal Cosy Safari Park (Jirapa Dubai) yesterday. At 7:00 AM today, there were still no signs of activity in ISTC compound. It appears that the spirit of synodality is being felt among the brothers in the way they are spending time together in their rest.


Although there are no sessions, communal activities such as meals and coffee time have not changed. A few brothers went to the parish for Sunday Eucharist. For the rest of the day, time was used privately. 

The Sunday Eucharistic celebration in ITSC chapel was presided over by Father Bernardus Blolong SVD. In his homily, Father invited the brothers to remain close to and live with Jesus by receiving His body and blood daily. The key word today is about transubstantiation, a term in Christian theology, particularly within the Roman Catholic Church, that describes the miraculous change that occurs during the Eucharist. According to this doctrine, the substance of the bread and wine used in the sacrament is transformed into the body and blood of Jesus Christ, even though the appearances of bread and wine remain unchanged. We, as FIC brothers, believe  that  central to the Catholic understanding of the Eucharist is the emphasis on the real presence of Christ in the sacrament. The change is believed to occur through the power of Christ’s words and the action of the Holy Spirit during consecration at Mass. The massage in today’s homily serves as a crucial reminder for the brothers participating in the General Chapter, as  well as for all FIC brothers wherever they may be.

After the Eucharistic celebration, some brothers went to the shops in Wa town to buy souvenirs, Ghana-made clothing and chocolates, items that are unique to Ghana. The activities on the fifteenth day of the 36th General Chapter of the FIC brothers in 2024 ended with the usual supper and evening recreation.

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