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Report Formators’ Meeting Indonesia Wednesday, 12 July 2023. (by: Bro. Robertus Kuncoro)

Report Formators’ Meeting Indonesia

Wednesday, 12 July 2023.


The song “Here I am Lord” began the morning prayer led by Br. Agus Suparno in the ongoing formators meeting in Roncalli Retreat House. We thanked God for granting us a new day and spirit to begin the day's activities. In this prayer, we also felt grateful to God for the good health most of us are experiencing. In the past few days, some brothers felt unwell and had to consult the doctor. Today did not feel like the 6th day of the formators meeting, but it was a blessing because all participants were able to participate fully in the day’s business.


After breakfast at exactly 09.00,  we started the first session. Two groups were to present their findings on the review of the Formators’ Curriculum. In other words, participants, after their study of the document,  were to suggest additional subjects or formative experiences or eliminate unnecessary ones from the list of subjects. Secondly, they were to decide whether the listed subjects are to be taught only in the postulancy, the first two years of formation only, or throughout the initial formation period. At the end, we realised that this was not a task that can be done within a few hours. Therefore, the exercise ended with the decision that the General Council will find another way to determine what materials (especially the Vatican documents) are relevant to be used in formation. 


In the afternoon session with Bro. Guido Sukarman, we were introduced to the subject Cultural Sensitivity. Given that candidates and brothers in our congregation are form diverse cultures and countries, it is necessary to understand the differences that exist among us. However, cultural differences and diversity form a strong alliance, as indicated in article 43 of FIC Constitutions, “Our congregational unity is a unity in diversity. We pursue unity, but we respect the diversity which is within this unity.  (cf. Constitution Art.43). 


In today’s last session, we listened to the presentation of Bro. Johan Muijtjens on “Creative fidelity to our apostolic charism, an ongoing reflection.”  He gave us the development of the charism of our Congregation from time to time, especially as indicated in our Constitution. And also presented us with new developments in society, such as globalization, environmental and ecological problems, neo-liberalism, economic and financial policy, the crisis of democracy, Artificial Intelligence, secularization, etc. These developments deeply influence present-day people's thinking, values, priorities, interests, etc. He proposed that we need to carefully consider some central wordings in our Constitutions, for instance, about the content of article 10. This is our homework for the coming years.


We conclude our activities today with the evening eucharistic celebration led by Fr. Robert SVD.


Bro. R. Koencoro, FIC

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