08.10.2017 19:46:08 1038x read. NEWS Report day 5 on Congregational Conference 2017, Thursday 5, October 2017 Buin-Chile. FIC Congregational Conference, Chile - 5 October 2017 Today, FORMATION was the topic of conversation at the Conference. The day was started with the common morning prayer under the theme “members of one body” led by Brother Wim Luiten. The prayer reminded us of our being members of one FIC community, inviting us to be grateful for those brothers before us who have been so faithful in building our communities. We were also reminded of the kinds of qualities and or virtues to develop in us so as to contribute to the building up of true communities: acceptance of each other, being of service, ready to sacrifice, putting aside all ambition, giving instead of demanding, trusting instead of compelling, being attentive to others, etc ...to work for the happiness of all. It was prayerful indeed. The morning sessions of the day started with sharing the provinces’ experiences of implementing and or developing the conclusions of the 2016 Formators Meeting in Indonesia. We are grateful that so far many good things have happened / developed in the provinces in the area of involving experts in guidance and counseling in formation and vocation promotion. Also the FIC core-curriculum of formation established by the 2016 Formators meeting has proved to be helpful. The discussion on the question about the wish to continue, for the coming years, with a congregational program of continuing formation indicates that yes, we should continue. A program such as FIC Journey to Spiritual Enrichment has been experienced as very beneficial for the life of the Congregation as a whole as well as for the brothers individually. The Conference has no meeting sessions in the afternoon. Instead, the General Council had a meeting with one of the provincial superiors to attend to some pertinent issues of the province concerned. It has been a meeting worthy of thanks from both the GC and the Provincial Superior. By. Bro. Guido Sukarman |