20.01.2018 22:21:18 761x read. NEWS Report day 5 of Apostolic Congress, January 18, 2018. Report day 5 of Apostolic Congress, January 18, 2018 Exposure to van Lith and Moslem Boarding School Pabelan After four days' gatherings(from Sunday, 14 – Wednesday, 17) participants of the Apostolic Congress had the opportunity to go for an exposure in SMA PL Van Lith Muntilan and to visit Moslem Boarding School Pabelan. We left Roncalli at 07.00 a.m. and about 09.15 we had arrived in Muntilan. First, we visited SMA PL Van Lith. The teachers and students were waiting for us in front of the main entrance gate, which was attractively decorated. All the guests were approached by the three dancers wearing masks and danced energetically. We called that dance “Rampak Merapi”. We walked between two lines of hundreds of students who stood up nicely along the path and gallery which led us to the main hall where the meeting would be held. A few student-girls played the gamelan instrument to entertain us. The main purpose of the visit was to know and understand better Pangudi Luhur Van Lith Senior High Boarding School. One of the staff members explained the history of the school, among other things the spirit of Fr. Van Lith, mission and vision, activities of the students (intra and extra curriculum) etc. In order to understand better we were invited to see the Campus and the dormitories of both boys and girls. We ended this visitation with a superfluous lunch prepaired by the school. All the participants got very positive impressions that the school did well in their preparation to welcome and to entertin us. We learned a lot especially how the school staff, together with the students, work hand in hand in providing relevant information on the school and the dormitory facilities. At the end of the gathering Bro. Seregeous Dery and Bro. Martin Handoko gave their appreciation and impressions during our visit and encounter with them. The second encounter was a visit to a Moslem Boarding School in Pabelan. It is called Pondok Pesantren Pabelan. We met the Staff of Pondok Pesantren and a few students. The Staff received us warmly. Bro. Martin Tukir Handoko introduced the participants of the Apostolic Congress and added that the purpose of the visit was to know and to learn about the Pesantren. We got brief information about the history of the Pesantren, the mission and vision, the recruitment of students, the accompaniment of students, the activities within the Pesantren etc. For about 1 hour we did our mutual dialogue; finally we asked permission to return to Roncalli, Salatiga. We also learned a lot about the spirit of the teachers and staff in doing their mission, especially the message that whatever they do is in connection with their worship of God. This school is very open to other religions for dialogue. On the way back to Roncalli, we dropped in the house of Bro. Simon Andrus Briyanto to express our symphaty and pray with him for his late father Yohanes Abdul Muntholib who passed away. May his soul rest in peace. And in one and a half hours we were back to Roncalli Retreat House. All of us were satisfied with our exposure. (Frans Sugi – Indonesia) |