05.10.2017 06:49:55 986x read. NEWS Report Day 2, Monday 2 October 2017, Con-Con 2017, Chile. Congregational Conference Chile 1-12 October 2017. Day 2, Monday 02 October 2017. It was quite cold weather, rather cloudy, temperature was 7 degree Celsius. The activities of the day started with prayer service lead by Br. Diego, the provincial superior of Chile, followed with Breakfast. At 08.30 we started our two-day recollection on the theme: “Identity and Mission of The Religious Brother in the Church”. Bro. Martin Handoko, lead the recollection. (Note: In fact supposed to be done by Bro. Raphael Besigrinee, but as he was under treatment by doctor, he could not attend the Con-Con) ro. Martin Handoko presented two things, namely introduction and Overview of the Document. Introduction The draft of the Document, was made by the time of Pope Benedict XVI, and the final document signed in Vatican by the Congregation for Institute of Consecrated Life and Societies of Apostolic Life, 4th October 2015. This document is also applied to the Congregation of a religious Sisters. The main references used in this document are: Vita Consecrata – Christifidelis Laici (Pope John Paul II), Lumen Gentium – Perfectae Caritatis (Vatican Council II) Information of number of Religious Brothers in the world: 1980 priests (secular and religious) 404,783. Sisters: 968,526. Brothers 70,388. Total Religious 1,184,366. Year 2013: priests (secular and religious) 415,348 Sisters: 547,407 Brothers 39,356 Total Religious 721,579. One of the reason to publish this document is that the vocation of religious brother is not well understood and appreciated even by the clergy within the Church. This document is especially meant for the brothers to affirm them in their vocation. The main identity of religious Brother is the “called to a communion for mission” (this point is stated in our Constitutions art 15: “Called together and send out”) . This identity is expressed in the three dimensions: Fraternity, Community, and Mission. Overview of the Document. The documents has 40 articles, arranged as follows: 1. Introduction ( Art: 1 – 4) 2. Religious Brother in the Church Communion ( Art. 5 – 11). 3. The identity of the Religious Brother, A mystery of communion for mission ( Art. 12 – 31 ) - The mystery: Brotherhood, the gift we received ( Art. 13 – 20 ). - Communion: Brotherhood, the gift we share ( Art. 21 – 26 ) - The Mission: Brotherhood, the gift we give away ( Art. 27 – 31 ) 4. Being Brothers Today : A Story of Grace ( Art 32 – 40 ) Deepening of the Document. Participants were given a task to read and reflect articles 1 – 20 with some questions to guide them. After reading and reflection it was time for everybody to share their understanding of the document related to their experiences as religious brother. The day of recollection closed with Eucharistic celebration. (Recorded by Bro. Martinus Dariyo) |