16.12.2014 21:46:35 1124x read. NEWS Pilgrimage to FIC-historical places. Pilgrimage in the foot steps of our Founders.
We opened our day with our morning prayer with the theme, “the spirit of our founders”. It was led by Bro. Frans Wils. On this morning prayer he invited us to colour a picture of our founders, Mgr. Rutten and Bro. Bernard, with a deep attention and sense of closeness with them. After we made some preparation, we went to de Beyart to start our pilgrimage to FIC-historical places in Maastricht. For that intention our big group divided into two grops, Bahasa speaking and English speaking, eventhough on some places we came together. In general our pilgrimage went well. All of us felt that our pilgrimage was very interesting and gave us a sense of closeness with our founders and our fellow brothers who have gone before us. Some special places where made us felt closer to Mgr. Rutten are Saint Servatius Church, house of the family of Mgr. Rutten especially the room where our founder was born, red-lion house where our congregation started, and FIC-cemetery where we could pray together with our founders, Mgr. Rutten and Bro. Bernard, and also our brothers who have gone before us. Below I shared to you about my personal experience during our pilgrimage to FIC-historical places in Maastricht. Walk the path of our founders Mgr. Rutten and Bro. Bernardo was an exciting experience in prayer and in community with brothers from different nations united by the same call and same mission. I admire the courage, concrete love, conviction of an apostolate to the poorest. Even the cold and rain that accompanied us at some times reminded me of the difficulties they faced at that time. It was amazing to be in the room where Mgr. Rutten born; where he initiated this great work and remains to this day. Later in the cemetery and praying next to all the brothers who passed through this life doing good was a moment of gratitude for the generosity delivered. It was like a renewal of my vows. I am grateful for this Oasis by inspiration through this journey and feel that invites me to have a close relationship to them, to make them part of my daily life; I want to have the energy to keep doing good, growing as a person and brother FIC. Thanks to those who prepared this walk, reflections before, during and after the pilgrimage. They have been testimonies of service, faith in God and trust in Mary our mother. "
Br. Patricio G (Chile) |