06.08.2024 03:39:59 401x read. NEWS Opening of the 36th FIC General Chapter 2024 (by. Bro. Theodorus Suwariyanto) Opening of the 36th FIC General Chapter 2024 Some days before the Chapter begun, the delegates from our provinces arrived one after the other in Wa, the Upper West Region of Ghana. For a good number of delegates, this is their first time in Ghana; but most of them have been here before. Their earlier arrival afforded them the opportunity to attend the episcopal ordination and thanksgiving mass, of the new Bishop of Wa Diocese on the 2nd and 3rd August respectively. The anticipated day, 4th August 2024, finally arrived for the opening of the 36th FIC General Chapter. The eucharistic celebration was presided by the newly ordained Bishop of Wa, Most Rev. Msgr. Francis Bomansaan, M. Afr, assisted by a number of priests of the Wa diocese. In attendance were a large number of FIC brothers from near-by communities, the chapter delegates, religious of other congregations and the media personnel from the Department of Social Communications (DEPSOCOM), Wa. During the homily, Msgr. Francis recapped the importance of an encounter such as a general chapter in the renewal of every religious congregation and their mission. To achieve such a renewal, religious need to have the courage to let go, move from our comfort zones, and be able to take decisions guided by the Holy Spirit. To ensure renewal is also to maintain our fidelity and perseverance in our way of life as religious for the sake of the Kingdom of God. In his welcome address at the beginning of the Eucharistic celebration, Bro. Seregeous Dery, the Provincial Superior of Ghana said the celebration was also in thanks giving to God for the gift of our lives, religious vocation, journey mercies and for sustaining the FIC congregation through the joys and challenges of life over the past 184 years. He hoped that the chapter delegates would cooperate with the Holy Spirit, allowing this power to direct and influence the outcome of the Chapter for the greater glory of God and the benefit of humanity. He stressed also that the very survival and gains made by our congregation over the past 18 decades is not only by dint of human efforts but more importantly, by God’s grace and animation of the Holy Spirit. “If the Lord does not build the House, in vain will its builders labour. In vain will the watchman keep vigil and in vain will be our earlier rising and going later to bed.” (Psalm 127:1-2) The Eucharistic celebration was immediately followed by a social gathering at ISTC, where the brothers, together with our invited guests, were served with food and drinks. At 20.00 we convened in the chapter hall for the official opening. In his opening address bro. Augustine Kubdaar had the following to say: “Dear brother and friends, in renewing our consecrated life and mission, we embrace synodality, as our Holy Father Pope Francis emphasized. He describes synodality as involving prayer, attentive listening, meaningful silence, and discernment. True transformation comes from opening ourselves to the guidance of the Holy Spirit. Synodality invites us to value every voice and perspective, fostering an environment of genuine dialogue and communion where differences become opportunities for growth. Through prayerful reflection and shared discernment, we aim to chart the future of our mission. This renewal is a collective endeavour, reflecting the essence of synodality, the need for transformation, (re)formation, and a shared commitment to walk forward with Christ and humanity. As we engage in this synodal journey, particularly in the General Chapter, let us listen to each other, recognize the signs of our times, and actively participate in reshaping our mission through policymaking guided by the Holy Spirit. As emphasized by Pope Francis during his opening speech and recorded in the Synthesis report, this assembly is not to be conducted like a parliamentary process. Powerful argument and majority votes should not have power over effort to build consensus, convergences of thoughts and discernment of issues, empowered by a spirit and moment of prayer.” Regarding the task of the General Chapter, he said the following: “The General Chapter is a significant event for the entire Congregation. It is deemed as a moment of grace under the guidance of the Holy Spirit, fostering renewed missionary zeal. We also know well the nature and the objectives of the General Chapter, as they are described in article 119 of our Constitutions, namely, preserving the heritage of the Congregation, promoting appropriate renewal, addressing spiritual and material needs of the Congregation. Furthermore, the Chapter is solely responsible for establishing binding regulations and electing a new General Council. This constitutional framework emphasizes that renewal is a faithful response to evolving needs but not a departure from our roots. We are thus reminded that the General Chapter is the supreme body of governance of the Congregation. It is the most wide-ranging and significant ex
After this inspiring address, he declared the 36th General Chapter duly opened, with much trust in the guidance of the Holy Spirit and the intercession of our Immaculate Mother . Apart from this, the rest of the time was used for some practical issues, among others, we adopted some working documents for the chapter. These include the daily Time Table, and the working schedule. We also listened to some practical information regarding our stay in ISTC. We had already spent an hour and a half, and so we adjourned the meeting and moved to the recreation hall for a drink.
Theodorus Suwariyanto |