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18.08.2024 00:57:47 406x read.
GENERAL CHAPTER REPORTS 15 AUGUST 2024 (By: Bro. Agustinus Marjito)

General Chapter Report; 15 August 2024

Today, 15 August 2024, we celebrated the solemnity of the Assumption of the Blessed Virgin Mary. On this 12th day of the General Chapter, we began with a solemn morning prayer service led by the Malawi delegation. The reflection invited us to feel the presence of God and the protection of Mother Mary, Patroness of our Congregation. The prayer leaders also invited us to meditate on a reading related to our Founders, Mgr. Ludovicus Rutten and Brother Bernard Hoecken. The prayer reminded us of the choices of Mgr. Ludovicus Rutten in his generous services to the forgotten and discriminated groups in Maastricht. 

Brother Bernard Hoecken, in his rules of Conduct for Superiors of the brothers of the Immaculate Conception of Mary, remind us not to put our trust in our own strength but in the grace and assistance of God. We are to follow the voice of God who is calling us humbly to put our shoulders beneath the burden which he would lay on us because, God is our strength.

After the morning prayer, we had breakfast together. The agenda committee left the morning session free for the chapter members to use it for reflection. This also gave us time for personal preparation for step 2 of the election process, namely to come out with two names for the position of Superior General. The process involved discussing first in provincial groups and later in mixed groups. We later convened in the chapter hall for the  plenary session in the afternoon, where the names were presented. The atmosphere of the discussion was marked by understanding and a warm brotherly exchange.

In discussing the proposal on accountability and responsibility, delegates became more aware of the need to be transparent in living our life, especially in using the congregation’s  resources. The house resolved to continue improving on the way we manage our resources for the benefit of our mission. After this discussion, it was time for the Financial Verification Committee to present their report to the house. After listening to the report, the house accepted it with gratitude, giving the opportunity for the clearance of the General Council for the prudent management of the congregation’s resources. 

Having ended the session, the chapter members proceeded for the evening Eucharistic celebration in the chapel. In his homily the presider shared his thoughts on the Assumption of Mary and it’s meaning for the FIC Brothers. We also prayed for the brothers who are sick and hospitalized: Br. Isidore, Fr. Andrew, Br. Agustinus Marsanto, the younger brother of Bro. Eko Wijayanto. We prayed that they may get well soon. 

The rest of the evening went normally with dinner and later recreation at 21.00 pm, a time to relax before retiring to bed. We cannot take for granted the spirit of brotherhood and sharing that permeated this time of relaxation. We thank God for this beautiful day. 

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