GENERAL COUNCIL F.I.C. - Prins Bisschopsingel 22, 6211 JX Maastricht, The Netherlands  Phone: *31 (0) 43 3508373
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25.08.2024 18:03:35 424x read.
General Chapter Report, Saturday, 24th August 2024. (By: Bro. Theodorus S)

General Chapter Report, Saturday, 24th August 2024. (By: Bro. Theodorus S)

Today the morning appears gloomy. We began the day with the morning prayer led by Bro. Wim Luiten. The theme of the prayer was “Love for his brothers”, taken from the “Rules of Conduct” of Bro. Bernard Hoecken. According to Bro. Bernard: “An ordinary love is not sufficient for a superior: along with the love of a fatherly heart, he must also have the deep tenderness of a mother.” After this inspiring prayer, we went for breakfast of special bread prepared by the cooks.


In the morning session, delegates were allowed to evaluate the Chapter, either on paper or orally. Most delegates expressed positive feelings about their experience during the past three weeks. There was immense appreciation expressed for the preparation made by the General Council 2018-2024, leading to a smooth process of the encounter. They expressed their gratitude to God for the graces we received during the deliberations and His guidance through the Holy Spirit, who inspired us in making decisions, and especially in electing the new General Council. In general, delegates were satisfied with the process that led to the adoption of 21 resolutions and one recommendation. The General Chapter members trust that the new GC would find ways to promote the unity among brothers, and be able to implement all resolutions of the General Chapter.

To demonstrate that the brothers form one family with our co-workers the delegates, at the end of the Chapter, gave part of their pocket money as token to the ISTC workers who laboured during the past three weeks to provide meals for the delegates.  This was indeed a special way of  appreciating the efforts of  our co-workers. This gesture of the brothers was also very much appreciated.

At long last, we convened in the last session of the three week encounter for the closing address of the president of the Chapter. Bro. Augustine Kubdaar, who was re-elected Superior General for the second term, delivered  the closing address. He repeated the main tasks of the General Chapter as keeping the Congregation heritage alive, promoting appropriate renewal and composing a new leadership team. He declared that we had successfully met these tasks. Article 10 of the FIC Constitution states that protecting our Founder’s heritage means caring deeply for spiritual and religious needs and valuing fraternal community. He also reminded us that we are ambassadors of the Chapter’s message. We are thus commissioned to share its fruits and help our fellow brothers and collaborators to understand, accept and live the spirit of the 2024 General Chapter. After this he declared the three-week meeting closed.


We still had one more task to perform: the Provincial Day. This is some time declared for sharing the fruits of the chapter with the brothers in the province. Some brothers from the nearby communities in Ghana attended this event. Provincial Superiors and Superior of the Religious House Netherlands presented briefly the latest developments in their provinces and RHN. This was followed by sharing the fruits of the Chapter, namely the resolutions and the General Chapter Message. This was also done by Bro. Augustine Kubdaar. Some brothers asked some questions for clarification. 


We conclude our General Chapter with the Closing Mass presided over by Msgr. Francis Bomansaan, M. Afr., Bishop of Wa Diocese. In his homily, the bishop told brothers how important it is for religious and Christians to be actual disciples of Jesus, and not just fans. The difference is that disciples are committed, but fans are not.  The Eucharist was followed by refreshments, bringing the whole event to a close. 

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