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09.07.2023 09:03:00 477x read.
Formators’ Meeting, Roncalli Retreat House 7th July 2023 (Reported by Bro. Antonius Teguh)

Formators’ Meeting, Roncalli Retreat House 7th July 2023

Reported by Bro. Antonius Teguh


Today the 7th of July, the Formators Meeting begun on a sunny morning despite the cold air. The participants were enthusiastic about the topic of the day. We began with morning prayers led by Bro. Robertus Kuncoro. After breakfast, the participants received input from Bro. Guido Sukarman with the theme Formation for Consecrated Life in the Present Era.


In the first session, it was explained that formation is necessary for all. Formation is a journey that lasts a life time - never ends. “Life is in a constant process of development. The religious is neither called nor consecrated once and that’s it. We are called to remain novices throughout our life: to mature, progressively develop the attitude of a discipline, people who are always ready to listen to the teacher, and of the pilgrim, who always follows in the right direction”. Formation is carried out in a wholistic way: physically, mentally, morally, and intellectually, by realizing the uniqueness of each person. The key to vocation discernment is to be "passionate,” passionate for Christ, and passionate for humanity.


During the break,  participants enjoyed tea and coffee complemented with porridge that warmed up our bodies in the cloudy weather of Salatiga. In the second session, Bro. Guido gave an input  on Formation as stipulated in the FIC Constitutions. Religious formation can be likened to growing a tree. A deep-rooted, love-based, perfectly trunked tree that grows toward Jesus, thus, a good tree is recognized by its fruit. From the input of Bro. Guido, it can be concluded that the role of formators includes having good seeds, sowing seeds in the right and fertile soil, watering them regularly, and protecting them from all kinds of dangers in order that it may grow and bear healthy fruit. 


After lunch break, it was agreed that participants use the third session to study and reflect on the materials presented. Then, in the fourth session, participants gather in groups and share the results of their reflections and the real experiences faced every day in the formation environment.


In the group sharing, there was the opportunity for each participant to share their reflection and experiences connected with their formation work, especially in initial formation. This sharing took the rest of the time. We then concluded the day’s activities with the usual eucharistic celebration led by Fr. Robertus. In his homily, he asked us to be grateful to God for the gift of faith, and courage to live out our vocation under the protection of Mother Mary. 


Reported by: Bro. Antonius Teguh N

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