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08.08.2018 03:15:00 795x read.
First day report General Chapter 2018 Denekamp.

First day report General Chapter 2018 Denekamp

Monday 6 August 2018.

The day started at 07.30h with a morning prayer prepared by the brothers of Indonesia. The focus of the prayer was on the feast of the day the "Transfiguration of the Lord" , especially on the action of the  Spirit of God in our lives. The prayer was also dedicated to Bro. Agustinus Marjito who  had his 48th birthday.  After breakfast, we gathered for the first business day of the general chapter. At 09:00h the session  started with official opening address of the 35th General Chapter by the General Superior, Bro. Martinus Handoko.

He started by welcoming all chapter members from all our provinces. He gave a special welcome to those who are not directly members of the chapter but who were willing to assist us in one way or the other, namely the secretaries and interpreter. He went further to explain the theme of the chapter and the specific task of chapter members. The theme "We consecrate ourselves to be witnesses of God's love" was chosen because it forms the essence of our being religious as indicated in our Constitutions. Additionally, he explained the structure of the chapter, namely that it is a three-week encounter that will focus roughly on three main tasks: The first week will be dedicated to the General Council Report, the second will focus on the discussion of proposals and the third week for the election of the new General Council. He concluded by quoting article 41 of our Constitutions which describes the kind of dialogue we should engage in during the chapter. He then declared the chapter officially open.  

Since members are coming from different provinces, there was the need to do self- introduction. The president of the chapter, that is the General Superior, asked for the approval of proposals 1, 2 and 27 because these concern the appointment of some chapter functionaries,  proposals of order and  the presence of a chapter substitute of the Netherlands. All these proposals were endorsed. The facilitator in the person of Fr. Bernard S. Mardiatmadja, SJ could then take his seat and begin directing affairs of the chapter.

 The next on the agenda was expectations from the participants.  One example of expectations: “I do expect that the General Chapter will be able to foresee the needs and challenges of the Congregation in the coming years, and that it will enable  chapter members to make suitable policies and guidelines for the next six years".

For the rest of the day, the chapter engaged with the General Council report . First members were asked to give their general impressions on the 156-page report before we could enter into the details of it.

There were some common points said by the participants, e.g.: It is a comprehensive report; It  provides detailed  information,  It is an honest report,  it gives the true picture of the Congregation, etc. 

This lasted till the end of the session before we went for supper followed by the Eucharist and finally recreation at 21:00h. 


Bro. Martinus Dariyo.

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