GENERAL COUNCIL F.I.C. - Prins Bisschopsingel 22, 6211 JX Maastricht, The Netherlands  Phone: *31 (0) 43 3508373
Wednesday, February 12 2025  - 1 User Online  

05.10.2019 15:13:44 663x read.




The day’s activities started with a solemn prayer service in the Chapel of the CB Sisters. It was conducted by the Indonesia Province at 7:30am under the theme “Humility: A key to Christian Leadership”. The prayer leader, Br Anton in his introductory remarks, stated that humility is a hallmark of a Christian who truly is modeling Christ in his or her life and leadership style. He further enriched his reflection by quoting St Alphonsus “that you became Superior to be the servant of all; be on your guard, therefore, against wanting to rule the community with pride, for in that case you will draw down upon yourself the curse of God”. In the words of St Vincent ă Paulo, viewed by Br Anton, “a superior must not show that he is the superior. Nothing is more false than to say that, in order to govern well and maintain his authority, one must let it be known that he is the superior. Jesus, by His words and examples, has taught us the opposite”

Participants gathered in the conference hall at 9:00am to start the day’s discussions after breakfast was over at 8:45am. The General Superior took charge of affairs and reminded the house of the funeral mas of the late Br Lex Weiler which was due to start at 2:30pm in De Beyart. He explained the arrangements and practical means by which members were going to attend the funeral and burial of the late Br Lex. He then introduced the topic thus: introduction, “green round” expectations. At this juncture, members took turns to introduce ourselves and state our expectations for the conference. It was an interesting and side splitting session when a member described the venue for the conference as “a mild prison”. When all had shared, the Chairman (General Superior, Br Augustine Kubdaar) invited all Provinces beginning from his left to present the vision, mission and principles of their Provinces to the entire house. All Provinces presented except Malawi who was asked to present on a different date due to time factor.

Lunch was over at 12:30pm and members took a walk to De Beyart, our Mother house to take part in the funeral mass of late Br Lex. The mas was attended by the brothers and many people including relatives of the deceased, and friends of the brothers.  The body was moved from the chapel to the brothers' cemetery where the late Br Lex Weiler mortal remains were interred. We took supper at 5:30pm and members relaxed in their rooms. At exactly 9:00pm we went for recreation where we shared jokes and laughter over a variety of drinks. We retired to bed at separate times of the night to close the day’s business.


Compiled by Br K S Godwin (Ghana Province)

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