15.08.2024 19:26:43 382x read. NEWS FIC General Chapter Daily Report-14th August 2024 (By. Bro. Clement N.) FIC General Chapter Daily Report-14th August 2024 The day started with a reflective prayer service organised by the Indonesia Delegation. The birthday of Br. Joachim Naah was recognised during the morning Prayers. This was followed by a nourishing breakfast. At exactly 9:00 am, the first session of the day started with an opening prayer led by the Indonesia Delegation who also lighted the Chapter Candle to call on the Holy Spirit to come and enlighten us. The first item for discussion at the first session was proposal 12/22. These two proposals are on the possible Revision of our Constitutions. The Delegates delved deeply into these proposals and finally merged them as one proposal. At the end of the discussions, the Delegates unanimously agreed that the FIC Constitutions be revised. The following revised proposals; 4A -Composition of the Next General Chapter; proposal 5A -Composition of the General Council 2024-2030; proposal 6A -Transition Period; and proposal 14A -Congregational Program on Continuing Spiritual Formation were all tabled for discussions. At the end of each discussion, straw votes were taken. The discussions on these proposals took centre stage until lunchtime. After a sumptuous lunch, we returned at 15:30 to continue with the discussions on Proposal 7A -Promotion of Community Living, Prayer and Apostolate until 17.00 when a straw vote was taken on this proposal. After that, all Delegates went into Provincial Groups to discern and propose at least two candidates for the Superior General’s Position. These Provincial groups meetings/discernments took delegates till 18.15 when we concluded the day with a Eucharistic celebration at the Chapel, followed by supper at 19.00 and recreation to mark the birthday of Br Joachim Naah at 21.00. We are forever grateful to God for His continuous blessings on all the Delegates in the Chapter. May God continue to give us the needed wisdom for our deliberations.
Br. Clement Naapire