22.08.2018 03:36:42 845x read. NEWS FIC GENERAL CHAPTER 2018, Monday, 20th August 2018. FIC GENERAL CHAPTER 2018. Monday, 20th August 2018. Today the Chapter enters the 3rd and last week of its sessions. It is the week of finalizing and voting on the proposals and electing the new General Superior and his councillors. As usual, the day started with a morning prayer together. The theme of today’s Morning Prayer was “Servant Leadership, a way of witnessing to God’s love”. The focus of reflection was on the example of Jesus: washing the feet of his disciples and wiping them with the towel that was wrapped around him; an example that the disciples should do just as he had done to them. We spent the first session of the day, 09:00 – 10:30, in mixed groups to compose the General Council team consisting of a General Superior and three councillors. It was done with the help or based on the results of the earlier 2 (two) processes / discernments in provincial as well as in mixed groups. Those earlier two processes were to articulate the requirements / expectations / qualities / of the next general council, and naming the brothers whom we think would be suitable to serve the Congregation in leadership function (General Council). These processes, done in a prayerful atmosphere, are meant to help chapter members to see and feel the tendencies or direction of the Spirit present and living in and among chapter members, leading them to officially elect the new General Superior and his councillors. Thank God, these processes went well. The official election is scheduled to take place on Wednesday, August 22, 2018. Do pray for and with us, chapter members. The other two sessions of the day were spent to discuss on three proposals: (1) about the values and importance of every community to formulate its specific mission in view of the Congregational mission; (2) about possible Congregational Movement to deepen our community, prayer, and apostolic life, the three different areas of our life that are very closely interconnected; and (3) about the need to insert an article in our constitutions that stipulates explicit attention to our elderly brothers. We did take time to discuss these three proposals. There were very deep and inspiring discussions that eventually brought the chapter to clear and satisfying conclusions. The Chapter activities of the day were concluded with a Eucharistic celebration on the feast of St. Bernard, the patron saint of our Founder, Brother Bernardus Hoecken. Guido Sukarman, fic |