25.09.2022 02:57:27 494x read. NEWS FIC Congregational Conference, day 5. (Reported by: Bro. Valentinus Daru S.) FIC Congregational Conference, day 5. Friday morning, September 23, 2022, delegates from various provinces, the members of the General Council, and the supporting staff gathered in the chapel of St. Louis Community to start the day with a communal prayer. The theme of our morning prayer was “Care for Creation”. Bro. Wim Luiten, the Superior of Religious House Netherlands who was the prayer master, invited us to join in the spirit with the “Season of Creation” which has been started on 1st September and will be concluded on 4th October, on the feast of St. Francis of Assisi. Inspired by the reading that called us to take up our cross and to follow Jesus (Luk 14:25-33), members were ready to journey through the heavy day ahead of them. Today, we had two main agenda tabled in front of us, namely the GC report and the discussion on Resolution 12A about Congregational program on Continuing Spiritual Formation. Bro. Augustine Kubdaar, the General Superior, and Bro. Theo Suwariyanto, the vicar, on behalf of the General Council gave the presentation on these topics respectively. As usual, we began our first morning session of today at 09.00 with a prayer. Afterwards, the chairman extended warms welcome to the participants and supporting staff at the conference. Thereafter, the first presentation began at 09.06. Through a well prepared power point presentation, Bro. Augustine delivered to the house the report of the GC. The survey of the report included 1) Chapter Message, 2) Statistics, 3) Function of GC, 4) Visitations, 5) Collaboration with others, 6) Implementation of Resolutions, and 7) Other relevant information. The explanation was quite concise but clear. It took around an hour until the time when Bro. Augustine opened to the house for comment and question. This marked the end of the first session from 10.30-11.00 AM. The second morning session continued from discussion and later on the conclusion. The topic was mainly in connection with two things: 1) Resolution 7A: Religious House Netherlands (Review of FIC Constitutions) and 2) the need of a brother to take up the task of the Secretary to the GC and a future General Treasurer. In both discussions, the General Superior also gave the secretary of the Con-con 2022, Bro. Remy, who is also the treasurer of the GC and Bro. Godfrey, the opportunity to express their opinion. The whole morning session was concluded by prayer lead by Bro. Wim Luiten. Having a little longer afternoon break, the participant began the afternoon session at 16.00 instead of 15.30. After a short prayer, Bro. Theo was given the opportunity to give the house the presentation on Congregational program on Continuing Spiritual Formation (Resolution 17A of General Chapter). In his presentation, Bro. Theo made a proposal on how we would like to materialize this resolution. He presented to the house among others three models of spiritual journey program. This session was quite interesting when it came to discussion on which model we would like to take and whether we should have the spiritual journey on language based group to make it more beneficial for the participants of the program. The day was ended with celebration of the mass commemorating a holy man: Rev. Padre Pio, at. 18.30 in the chapel. For the GC and the Provincial Superior of Ghana, however, the day was a little bit longer. After supper, we had a special meeting from 20.00 – 21.00 to discuss some important issues in the province. It was planned that all Councillors would join to the meeting, but some reasons have made to the cancellation of the plan. It was a cordial and fruitful short meeting where the discussion was marked with respect and mutual understanding. We thank God for the experience of today and we hope the Holy Spirit continue to be with us, to give us strength, guidance, and light so that our meeting will be fruitful for the greater glory of God and the happiness of FIC family members: brothers, co-workers, and those who are entrusted to our care.