17.12.2018 17:20:40 768x read. NEWS Farewell celebration (Late Post) Farewell celebration
As a plan, we held our farewell celebration of Bros. Martin Handoko and Guido Sukarman on 16th of November 2018 at the restaurant close to Star of the Sea Basilica in Maastricht. More than 25 people attended this celebration that was organized by Bro. Lo Koeleman.
The celebration was moderate but the atmosphere was very warm and friendly. After the welcoming session with the standing conversation while drinking welcoming wine we continued by having dinner. We sat together in five groups. We enjoyed our dinner while made friendly conversation among us in each group. Led by Bro. Lo Koeleman as our Master of Ceremony, some of our important person on this event gave their speech. The first person who took the opportunity to give his speech was Bro. Guido Sukarman. He shared about his experiences during his time as a member of General Council and also expressed his appreciation and grateful to our secretary and also some person who were ever to work with. He expressed that he was happy to work with his fellow brothers and also the people who work with us. After some time Bro. Lo asked Bro. Raphael to give his speech on behalf of the outgoing General Council and Staff. He expressed the appreciations to the two brothers in connection with their personalities and their leadership style during the past years. We are really happy to work with them in our team as General Council. We learned a lot from them and also inspired much from their way of life as truly Brothers FIC. This speech followed by giving presents to them by Bros. Raphael and Augustine on behalf of the outgoing GC and the incoming GC. Bro. Wim Luiten as a superior of Religious House Netherlands gave his speech on behalf of our Dutch brothers. He expressed their gratitude to the two brothers by giving bucket flowers to them. Mr. Willy as our secretary also had opportunity to express his impressions working together with bro. Martin and bro. Guido. He really was happy working together with them.
Last but not the least bro. Martin Handoko had time to thanks to each of the support staff members who have had good relationship and good working together based on the function of each support staff and their couples. He mentioned all the staff members and said thanks to them for their availability to support and to help the General Council during his term of office. At the last he wish and hope that each of us will continue to be able to work as a team for the sake of the Congregation. He specially mentions that the gathering was organized by bro. Lo Koeleman and he thankful for that.
We were happy to have this celebration. This gathering was also as the ex |